Chapter 81

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A/N: New update!

I love you guys so much and enjoy this chapter.


"Hey Brian!" I say once he opens the door to let me in. I see Scott approaching and I run to him and hug him real tight. "Ah! Scott, we haven't talked in so long!"

"Hey CoCo, hey Toulouse, hey Ophelia," Brian starts playing with the dogs. "So, what's up with you and Harry? I thought everything was in paradise, and heavenly." Brian faces me while Ophelia starts liking his face and then the rest of the dogs do the same.

"Yeah, didn't Harry give you that promise ring? And didn't he disappear for a month? And didn't he-" Scott mentions everything.

"Yes yes he did." I roll my eyes at him and lick my lips.

"Oh yeah, I got you Starbucks." Brian laughs and goes into the kitchen to grab a cup of Starbucks for me.

"Aww, you're so thoughtful." I laugh.

"So let's talk."

"Guess what I caught him doing before I left to come here." I start. "I caught him snooping on my phone and read my text messages."

"What the fuck? Why? You can't be possibly cheating on him right? He doesn't trust you?" Scott asks and I look at both of them.

"He thought I was cheating on him with you." I nod to Brian and they both started laughing, Scott laughed even harder.

"I'm sorry but that is hilarious." Scott controls himself and I shake my head, laughing. "Okay go on.."

After hanging out with them for the next 4 hours it got late so I decide to head on home and finally deal with Harry.

"Bye guys.." I fake cry and they both hug me at the same time. "I honestly don't want to go back home and fight with Harry." I groan.

"Ari." They both give me a stern look.

"Alright alright. I'ma go now, jesus." I mumble and take my three dogs to my car and drive home. I open the main door and the dogs run in and starts to play with each other. I don't look for Harry because I'm tired and I take off my shoes.

I go to the kitchen and put some food and water on the dogs' bowls and head upstairs to take a bath. Once I reach in my bedroom, no one was in there. I go to my bathroom and run some warm water and add bubbles in the bathtub. I then strip down all my clothes and check the warmth of the water and then hop in. I think I was asleep for half an hour, and so then when I woke up, I got out and dried myself, putting on my onesie and fall onto my bed. Where's Harry?

But before I could think much of it, I already fell asleep.

The next morning I wake up at 8 AM and find myself all alone on my bed. I try to go back to sleep again but then I realized that Harry wasn't here last night. I go brush my teeth and head downstairs to find my mother and Frankie at the table eating breakfast.

"The princess is awake! Good morning Ari," Frankie announces when I walk into the door, I chuckle at him.

"Good morning baby, how was your sleep?" My mom asks and I kiss her on the cheek while she does the same.

"It was okay. Is Nonna still sleeping?" I ask, grabbing my coffee mug and pour myself some coffee that my mother has already prepared.

"Of course," she chuckles and I sit at the table with them. "Hey, have you guys seen Harry yesterday? Or where he went?" I ask them and they frown, shaking their heads.

"He's gone missing again?" Frankie says in a disgusted tone. "No surprise there," he scoffs and I kick his leg under the table.

"Hey! He's my boyfriend, shut up." I argue and he shrugs. "I'm gonna go for a run." I say to them and quickly wash my cup and place it back in the cabinet. Then, I go to the main door and put on my running shoes that was on the shoe rack. I see this white piece of paper and I never noticed it before.

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