Chapter 88

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"I broke a promise." Harry says and my head is just spinning for what promise he broke. I look at my promise ring that Harry gave me and then back at him.

"What exactly did you even promise me with this ring?" I ask, scarred to find out what promise he broke.

"I promised to love you forever and always. To hold you whenever you are in need. To be truthful and honest to you and never break your heart. I promised to not lie and become deceitful, to never cheat on you. To keep you happy." Harry's tears are coming out of his eyes and mine already fell down my cheeks.

"Did you break all of that promise?" I choke. "Do you not love me anymore?"


"Oh my god." I close my eyes hoping this is just a nightmare. "I've just made a fool out of myself, I-"

"No no no no no no no! Ariana, I love you. That's something I'll always promise. I love you, god I love you so much!" He gives me a tight hug but I don't hug back.

"Ariana, no no. That's not the promise I broke. Believe me, I still love you. More than ever." He pleas and I just shut my eyes. What is even going on?

"Then what was it you broke apparently?" I cross my arms. I'm so tired of this.

"3 months ago. That party, our going away party.." He starts. I remember the people in the bathroom stall having sex which now that I think about it, it may have been Louis and Brianna. Louis said he had a little too much to drink and he had messy hair.

"I got drunk and-" He stops. He couldn't continue. He couldn't even make a word out or even look at me.

"Harry.." I gulp, my tears were falling down my hot cheeks constantly without stop. "Did you cheat on me?" I choke.

He covers his face and my body is just filled with anger and depression. He cheated on me. He hid it from me for 3 months. He led me to believe we were perfectly fine, that we have a healthy relationship. But turns out there were more dark secrets behind this man. The secrets that lurk him around in his shadows everyday, haunting him.

It was silent in the room. I don't know what else to say or what to do. "With who?" Is all I can ask right now.

Once again, he doesn't answer me. "Who the fuck did you cheat on me with! I need an answer! I need the truth!" I yell and demand him.

"Nadine." My body is boiling and this is it. I hated Nadine the very first time I ever knew her.

"You told me, that I don't deserve to be cheated on.." I sob. "Why?"

"I'm sorry Ari, I-"

"You what? You thought I was boring and you're done with me and go behind my back and cheat on me! I fucking hate you. I hate you! I hate you! I hate your guts!" I scream so loud, I bet I woke up the whole building.

"How did you cheat on me?" My eyes are swollen, red, puffy.

"I.. At the party." I know he doesn't want to go on further. "I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing the whole time!" He tries to defend himself but I don't accept it.

"How did you cheat on me." I repeat myself, but this time more as a demand.

He looks back down on the floor, he's crying hard. "In the bathroom stall." He finally tells me. Fuck, fuck no. What the fuck.

"You had sex with her in the goddamn bathroom stall?!" I scream even louder if that's even possible at this point. "You had sex with Nadine?" It hurts so much to say it. Harry cheated on me and Nadine cheated on Alexa. How amazing is this?

Midnight Avenue //unedited//Where stories live. Discover now