Chapter 18

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A/N: Please if you didn't, reread the previous chapter cause there are some changes in them.

And please don't be a ghost reader! Please vote! I follow back my biggest readers that read, vote and comment.


4 Days Later...

Ariana's POV (June 16 12:45 PM)

The days I've been hanging out with Jai, I've felt happier, but not that happy. I remember the night that I got back with Jai. Did I do it just to show Harry or did I do it cause I felt like it's the right thing to do?

Harry's POV 

I don't know why I'm falling for Ariana so hard, and it kills me whenever she's spending time with Jai or talking to him or texting him. I get so hurt. But what has gotten into me? At first I couldn't stand Ariana's company, but now I want to get Ariana's attention on me every second.

I feel lonely and just miss Ariana. She and I still shares a room together. But whenever she goes out with Jai, she comes back mad late.

"Hey Harry." She smiles at me. I smile back, loving her smile so much.

"Hey Ari."

"We haven't talked for a while."

"I know." I say, pressing my lips together.

"I'm sorry.. For spending so much time with Jai, instead of you."

"No it's fine, he's your boyfriend, obviously you want to spend more time with him." I opened the TV and I saw a picture of Jenna. Holy fuck. I guess Ariana saw cause she quickly sat next to me.

"This is Jenna Wilskin and she's been missing for a week now. Many officers are trying to look for young 17 year old Wilskin. She's missed by her family, friends, and her boyfriend. The family and the friends have no contact with her since she was eventually kidnapped. The officer has found a suitcase in a bush near the Dakota Place Park in Seattle. Her family says that she was going to visit her boyfriend who is currently at a hotel in L.A. but the family nor the officers would tell who this boyfriend is. The reward for finding her is $80,000. Please contact the police if you've seen her." Oh my god.

When I saw that picture of Jenna, my heart fell. Seeing how beautiful and innocent she is. I'm gonna kill this fucking bitch who kidnapped her. Ariana sits down next to me and hugs me.

"I'm sorry." She cries. I started to cry too.

"I just miss her so much." I burst into tears and next thing I know, I was a mess.

"Harry.. Keep telling yourself what you told to yourself before. She's strong, she'll make it, she'll be safe."

"Ariana! She's clearly not! Fuck! Someone is fucking holding her hostage when she's done nothing wrong and there is nothing I can do about it! Don't fucking tell me what to think cause you have no idea how unreal this is, how crazy it is, how heartbreaking this is. You have no fucking clue." I push her away and ran out.

Fucking bitch. I'm gonna kill this bitch, touching my Jenna. And that's when I realized that this is real, she is really kidnapped. This is really happening.

I just ran knowing where I was going. I ran out of the hotel and ran to the gym that was 2 blocks away.


Ariana's POV

I let Harry cry and run away. He's just so vulnerable and just... Really confused I guess. Why would someone want to kidnap Jenna?

When I saw that picture of Jenna on the news, I felt Harry's pain. Jenna is so beautiful, and she seems so happy in the picture.

When Harry yelled at me, saying that I have no clue, he was right. I didn't know what else to say except comfort him. I walked over to Zayn's and Louis' room. Once Zayn opens the door, he lets me in.

"God Ariana, did you see the news? About Jenna?"

"Uh.. Yea."

"That's so upsetting, especially for her family and friends. Like who the fuck kind of psycho would kidnap such a sweet innocent 17 year old?" We sat down on the couch.

"I dunno.. But, I feel really bad."

"Yea, me too. And I wonder who that boyfriend is. He must be devastated since she's was coming to visit him, here in L.A." Louis sighs.

"Don't you think it's a little coincidence that we were in Seattle and now we're currently in a hotel in L.A.?" Zayn asks. Shit yea it does.

"It does kinda seem like one doesn't it." I try to chuckle, but we were in a serious conversation, then later Liam and Niall joined in.

We pulled out our phones and started to tweet about Jenna.

Liam's Tweet~ Jenna seems like such a sweet little girl, who could ever do this to her? How could someone be so cruel? #helpfindjenna

Zayn's Tweet~ Screw whoever kidnapped Jenna. Hope you're safe. #helpfindjenna

Louis' Tweet~ #helpfindjenna Seeing how such an innocent girl be in a horrible situation, just really ticks me off...

Niall's Tweet~ #weloveyoujenna she is so beautiful, please God, don't take her away from her loved ones.

Ariana's Tweet~ Even though I've never met Jenna, but she is still loved by me. I know the boyfriend, family, and friends are worried sick about her. She's in my prayers already. #prayforjenna #helpfindjenna

I can't believe that I'm connected to this, well only because I know who the boyfriend is. I can't believe that Harry's the boyfriend, the one also suffering from this tragedy.

Harry's POV

After punching some bags at the gym, I was sweating so much. I decided to run back all sweaty. As I jogged, my head was so dizzy. From all the exercise and the Jenna thing. This is all too much to take in right now. As I reached the hotel, I quickly got up to my floor and into my room.

As I opened the door, I saw Ariana asleep. I quickly ran to grab my clothes and headed in the showers.


After the shower, which was mainly me standing there in the hot water, just thinking, and maybe crying. I dried myself and walked out and Ariana's still asleep on the couch. I got her blanket and gently wrapped it around her. I sat down near her feet where it didn't took up much space.

I pulled out my phone and checked Twitter. I saw thousands, maybe millions of Jenna tweets. I read the ones from my fans, ones from the boys and one from Ariana. It made me tear up, seeing how they respect Jenna, and love Jenna.

The top trends were all about Jenna.






I started to tweet something about Jenna.

Harry's Tweet~ Jenna, you are so beautiful, so kind, with a beautiful perfect smile. You are in my heart forever, and I will kill this bitch if I have to, but right now. I just hope you're okay and safe. Ily.. #ilyjenna

I love you, my beautiful Jenna Wilskin. You're my one and only..

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