Chapter 30

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Double update! I wanted to do this because I feel terribly horrible for not updating as much as in the summer. But who can blame me, I fucking hate school. It takes over my life!


"Jenna, are you alright? Is she bothering you?" I ask once I see her come out a few minutes later the girl wearing red came out.

"Uh.. Um, Harry.. Let's leave." she ignores my question and pulls on my arm to walk to the exit.

"Jenna, stop being so shady! Answer me! What is going on!" I yell and yanked my arm away, making sure she stops to look at me.

"Harry.. I can't tell you right now. I'm sorry," she breathes and I frown.

"Why can't you tell me? I'm your boyfriend and I need to know what's going on with the person I love the most. Out of all people. Don't you trust me?" I make some hand movements while I was talking.

"I do trust you! Harry, believe me, I do. I love you too. But right now, it's not really a good time to talk about this. Everyone is staring," she cries. I look around to see a few people crowding us. I look around and see the girl in the red again. I bolted towards her and she didn't seem afraid. She stood there, with her ray bans on, with her arms crossed.

"Stay away from my girlfriend. Do you understand?!" I yell. She smirks and shakes her head.

"Oh Harry. Naive little Harry. When are you gonna wake up and open your eyes. You're missing something. Something about Jenna isn't right. Of course, I know what it is, but I would love to see you find out yourself." she smirks. I'm so pissed off. My breathing turned into huge loud huffs.

"Harry.. Don't listen to her, let's go." Jenna tugs my shirt and I look back at her.

"Jenna, we're not going to go to dinner. We're gonna head back and you're gonna tell me what's happening. No secrets between us, remember?" I raise my brows, reminding her. She stares into my eyes and she starts to tear up. The next thing I know, she was standing there. Covering her face while she bawls her eyes out. I couldn't let her cry, I couldn't just watch her cry.

"Baby. I'm sorry for pushing you to telling me. I just want to know. I want to protect you, and help you be there. No matter what, I'll support you. I'm so sorry," I hug her and rub her arms. I plant a kiss on her head and we stood there. After a few minutes of her crying, she pulls away from the hug and stares into my eyes. Her red puffiness of her eyes are so adorable, but hurts me.

"I'll tell you okay? I will. Just not here in public." she tells me and I nod. I reach for her hand and we walked out.

The car ride was silent, but my head was going crazy. I have so much questions to ask, but I don't know which ones are the right questions to ask.

"Are you okay?" Jenna asks, holding my right hand.

"Yeah, just wondering." I simply say.

"Wondering what?" she asks, tilting her head sideways.

"Let's talk later, like you said." I say, trying not to upset her if I ask her right away. She nods and faces back to the window.

We walked into the hotel room and sat down on the couch. She laid her back on the edge of the couch and I sat stiffly on the other end of the couch. I feel so distant between us when we're so close. After a few minutes of staying in silent and staring at the floor, Jenna talks first.

"Harry, please. Don't hate me," she starts. I turn towards her and frown.

"Hate you for what? Jenna, you know that I love you," I tell her. I've told her 20 times a day and she thinks I'll hate her? What has she been keeping from me to make her think there's a possibility for me to hate her?

Midnight Avenue //unedited//Where stories live. Discover now