Chapter 57

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"Sean, please put that down." I roll my eyes at his playful mood.

"What, it's just a brush. I'm brushing my hair." He says, playfully brushing his almost bald head.

"Give it back," I grind my teeth. "You have no hair to brush." I smile, knowing it offends him.

He puts his hand over his heart like he was attacked. "Well, I'm so offended." He puts his shocked face on.

It's been four days since that day where I decided to break things off with Harry. He was simply not the kind of man I want to be with. Yes, he's everything a girl wants, but it's his constant behavior that messes us up. The relationship with Harry was just a total mess. I was crying every day, not even getting a break. But now, I'm moving on, slowly. And Sean is here, and I'm interested.

I sit back down and finish my make up. "We're going out to eat, not going to a fashion show. Just put some mascara and go natural, no need to pull out your tan spray and bathe in glitter." He jokes.

"Haha. So funny." I stick my tongue out at him. I finish my last touch, and start of my hair.

"Oh my god!" He groans. "I thought you were done." He throws himself on my bed.

"Well clearly I'm not." I chuckle. I decide to just let my hair down for once and let Sean out of his misery.

"Alright, let's go." I smile.

We get out of the car and into the restaurant. "Thank god we're here. I'm starving." I say and sit down at our table.

Harry's POV

"Dude, are you okay?" Louis sits next to me. "You look like you've gotten hit in the face with a bloody tampon." He jokes.

"It wasn't bloody the last time." I remark. He laughs.

"No shit, or else you would've drowned your whole face in hand sanitizer and take a trip to Niagara Falls." I stare at him blankly. "I'm kidding. Get over her."

"I can't. It's not easy."

"I know it's not. But is that it? You're still crushing yourself? It's been a week." He says.

"Yeah, it's been a week." I shift myself to face him. "And she's already moved on." It hurt to say it.

"Oh.." He sits back. "What did I tell you man? She'll move on if you constantly continue with your outrageous behavior." He has to point out the obvious. "So.. Whose she moved on to this time?"

"Big Sean." I cover my face.

"Really? Big Sean? I knew it!" Louis cheers, but settles down for my emotion. "Sorry. It's just that it was obvious. They worked in the music video together. Ariana, basically on his lap, whispering in his damn ear."

"That was when we were dating." I don't move. Louis stays silent.

"You don't think that she..."

"No never! I'm the one whose to blame here. I had to hang out with Nadine. I had to fucking fall and she had to kiss me. Ruined everything I had with Ariana." I start to yell. "I just want to go back and reject Nadine's offer."

"What are you gonna do? Next week you were gonna go back to L.A. and what about that interview?" Louis reminds me. "Did Nick book it yet?"

"I don't think so." I sigh. "I'll have to call him." I stand up. I can't believe she's already moved on. Everyone's talking about her and Sean and how they're the one of the power couples. We were supposed to be that power couple. I didn't even get to explain to Ariana what actually happened. She just shut me out. After a day, she finally contacted me.

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