Chapter 85

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*A Month Later*

I am getting ready to go on tour soon and so is Harry. Mine starts in a few days so I have to pack up all my stuff.

"Hey Ari," Harry says on the phone.

"Yeah?" I shout out since I put him on speakerphone and I'm all the way on the other side of the room, grabbing my clothes to pack.

"Are you busy today?"

"I'm just packing, that's all." I reply, throwing the clothes on my bed.

"Well, pick something to wear cause I'm taking you out tonight. We hadn't gone out on a date for so long." He complains.

"We just went out three days ago." I roll my eyes, laughing.

"But still, I miss you. I think today's the only day we both are free." He groans.

"Okay okay, where are we going? And please do not fly me out to somewhere again." I beg, remembering when he took me out to London to visit his family as our surprise date.

"Not this time baby, we're going out to have dinner. Or maybe we can go out and have a few drinks before we go on tour?" He suggests.

"I don't think drinking alcohol is a good idea. Remember-"

"Oh right right. How about we go have dinner at a restaurant and after that, we head to the club but only to have fun." He brings it up again.

"Are you invited to a party that you don't want to miss?" I smirk, folding my clothes and placing it neatly into my suitcase.

"Um yeah,"

"Of course," I roll my eyes playfully. "Fine, we can go. After the dinner though, I'm starving." I place all the clothes in. I have more clothes to pack and shoes and make up and accessories and all kinds of essentials.

"Alright I'ma be over to pick you up in 3 hours." He tells me.

"Okay, that'll do. Bye baby," I nod and hang up after he replied back. I only have two packed suitcases and I still have a lot more to pack. I decide to finish off packing another suitcase, pull of pants and skirts.

I then get ready by taking a shower and doing my hair. I did my makeup and used my usual lip liner for my lips. After all that, I picked out an outfit appropriate for dinner and a party. I finally decide on the black laced two piece outfit.

It is 5:47 PM and he should be here by now. I scroll through my twitter to and see tweets about how Harry and I are doing.

Ariana's Tweet- Getting ready for a date night with the one and only @Harry_Styles! can't wait

I attached a picture of myself and tweeted it. I get a notification that Harry tweeted something a few minutes later. Yes, I have his notifications on.

Harry's Tweet- @ArianaGrande i am so happy your mine babe, you look beautiful

He quotes my tweet. I smile at the screen and favorite and retweet his tweet.

My twitter blows up once more with reactions from our fans. There are a lot of people who supports us but some don't.

@JessiStyles1- @Harry_Styles dump that bitch

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