Chapter 91

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"Hey sorry I didn't pick up. But what's wrong? Is everything okay?" She asks me, she still cares for me.

"Um, not really. Look, I've made a huge mistake Ariana please," she already knows where I'm heading.

"Harry don't you think it's time? To finally stop us from being together because crazy or not, I feel that everytime we are together we never work out. Something will always happen and it just tears us apart." She spills out her feelings to me.

"But I don't think it's time. I'm still madly in love with you okay? That night was a clear mistake, no doubt about it." I pace back and forth around the room.

"Harry... I saw you and Nadine in the hallway. You guys seemed like a real couple, and I don't want to interfere with that." She lowers her voice.

"It's only because I needed someone to help me. You stayed with Zayn so, at least Nadine can help me with my bruises and pain."

"Zayn needed someone too. I had to help him, he's my friend." She tells me.

"Well I'm your-" I cut myself off. I'm not her boyfriend anymore.

"My what? Ex boyfriend? Cause yeah I know you are. And you know what's so saddening? The day you told me you cheated on me, the only reason why I broke up with you was through so anger and frustration contained. But I was still crazy in love with you which was stupid. I wanted to go on that walk so I can think of ways to get back together with you. Because I still loved you. I told Eleanor that if she still really love Louis, then she'll find ways to make things work. That's what I was trying to do. But you said that you wanted me to be happy and that it's good if we breakup, I- I just... My heart dropped." I can hear the pain in her voice. I can't believe she still wanted to be with me even though she found out I cheated on her. Drugs or not, I still did it.

"I only said that because I thought we really were over! I wanted to have some closure at least but it wasn't enough. Don't you think I'm heartbroken about it too? I'm here trying to make things work again and please, please say yes." I beg her. "You're the one person I can't live without with. You believed in me from the very beginning and supported me through all the crap I've done and said. I know we are crazy sometimes but I would rather be fighting with my only love than kissing a stranger." I continue on and I'm so hoping she'll say something instead of hanging up on me.

"That means a lot. But I don't want to be the reason why you guys break up! I can't live with that." Nadine and Ariana are two very different people.

"We did break up! Nadine and I! And you are the reason of it. And that's not a bad thing because you helped me realize that being with Nadine isn't going to make my love for you go away. You are the reason. You are my reason. You are the only reason. I love you." I pour my heart and soul out for her.

"And I love you too!" She says quickly. "But I don't think we work together."

"Yes we do," I plea. "I know we are meant to be and grow old together-"

"No we're not! Can't you see? The amount of times we have broken up? I don't want us to be on and off, I want us to have a steady relationship but seems like there will always be something to mess that up." I don't get her at all, she says she wanted to get back together with me but now she's saying she doesn't.

"Please, can we give this one last try? One last time, I promise that I won't let you go ever this time." I beg her and then there was complete silence over the phone.

"I don't think we can just jump back into a relationship again." She says and I try to figure out if she means a yes or a no.

"Ariana, we tried going slow remember? It still didn't work out."

Midnight Avenue //unedited//Where stories live. Discover now