Chapter 26

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A/N: Thank you for the 1K reads in total for this book! I love you so much! xxx

And YOU suggested for Ariana's point of view, so there you have it. Enjoy :)


Ariana's POV (June 23 11:23 PM)

"Goodbye," I mutter under my breath while still hugging Harry, he hugs me tighter after he heard me say goodbye. Well, I didn't actually mean goodbye as in leaving. I meant to look for Niall.

"Stay," I look up at him, frowning.

"Why should I stay?"

"For me to apologize to you and make it right," he almost whispers.

"It won't help anything Harry. Let me go, I have to talk to Niall," I try to break free from his tight grip called a 'hug'. He then lets me go. It seems like everytime I'm here, something always have to happen...

"Can you explain something to me?" Zayn asks. Harry slowly nods, not looking up. "Why? Why do you treat Ariana like a piece of shit?"

"Zayn.." I say, trying to stop him from letting Harry hear what he has to say to him, but they both ignore me.

"I.. I didn't know I did," Harry breathes, not knowing what to say.

"Ariana has done nothing to you instead to help you. That's the whole reason why she's here in the first place."

"Why would she come all the way here just to help me? She barely know me. We only met once, we were still acquaintances." I stay silent, letting them have their conversation.

"That didn't bother her, she still cared," he slowly says, walking back to the couch. Everyone seems to be putting hate on Jenna and Harry. I know he never wanted this to happen. He wanted Jenna no where near them, safe at her home. Keeping the secret, but it's not gonna happen now. The whole world knows. I'm probably why this whole thing happened.

I slowly walk out the door, leaving them and going to talk to Niall. I walk to his room.

"Niall?" I call out for him once I knocked on his door. He opens it seconds later.

"Hey." he mumbles and walks towards the couch, throwing himself on it like he was useless.

"Thank you for sticking up for me. What Harry said, he was really wrong. You are so-" he cuts me off while I was halfway there to the couch.

"Stop Ariana. Stop flattering and pleasing me. Harry is right, I haven't dated anyone for a year already." he says.

The whole room was dark, no lights opened. The only light shining in the room was the flashing car lights passing by.

"Niall, like you said, you don't need to be in a relationship to be happy," I sit next to him. I stare at him while he lays on the couch staring at the floor.

"I know.. But sometimes, I just wonder how it feels like to be in one again," he cries. I play with his hair, trying to comfort him. "That's why I invited you here," he mumbles. I narrow my eyes at his figure in the dark.


"Ariana, haven't you noticed? I'm in love with you," he sits up. I'm in shock, surprised, confused at the same time.

"You are in love with.. Me?"

"Yeah, since the first day you came. I thought it was a mutual feeling, that it'll go away soon. But it never did. I'm still in love with you,"


A/N: Sorry to cut the chapter off here, I know it's short but I will be updating as much as I can before school starts.

I probably won't be able to update as much when school starts, but I'll try!

But... Who knew that Niall would still be in love with Ariana?

What would Ariana do?

Thank you so much for reading! Please vote and comment. I love y'all.

Which POV do you want in the next chapter? I know this whole chapter is Ariana's point of view, but please comment who's point of view you want me to start off next?

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