Chapter 37

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A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday! Ugh, I'm terrible at updating. Here's chapter 37! And thank you for the 200+ votes and 2.48K reads and 200+ comments! I could've made it this far without you guys. Thank you so much!


(June 25 5:23 PM)

"Okay.. So, the day you were born, April 13, your birth mother was happy to have you. Like the pictures you saw, she was really happy. But a few days later, your father left her, leaving her with no money to support herself and you. She lived in her car for days and you both were starving. She cared for you, so she put you up for adoption. She couldn't take care of you like a mother should, so I accepted you because I can't have a child. She had to do the right thing for your health and life. She can't drag you down with her because you still have your life to live..." my mother explains. I'm in shock by what I heard. My birth mother gave me up because she wanted me to live my life, a life better than hers.

"Is that all you know? About the adoption thing?" my dad places his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah," I don't look up. I can't believe this, my birth mother needed to fix her life around before she can have me. I remember the letter she wrote me, it did mention this, but I thought she meant something else.

"There's more, only if you are willingly to hear it. And please don't be mad," my mom grabs a hold of my hands. It was cold.

"More? There's even more?" this is too much, I can't take another news.

"Yeah, only if you want to hear it.." she presses her lips together.

"Uh, maybe not now. It's not good for me to hear more now. I'll go back to my room and just be alone for awhile okay? I need to think and take this all in," I say. They give me a quick nod, dismissing me off to my room. I walk towards the stairs and turn around.

"I love you," I say, making them feel relieved.

"I love you too," they say in unison. I dismiss myself and head to my room. What is left to tell me? I locked the door. I sat on my bed and grab the letter that has been sent to me. How did she know where I lived? How did she even get in contact with me even though she's not supposed to?

Dear Lillian,

Your name may not be Lillian so you may be confused thinking that I've sent this to the wrong person. But no, I know I sent this to my daughter. You may have another name given to you by your new family but Lillian was supposed to be your name, since the family that has adopted you decided to change it. Lillian.. Lillian.. Isn't that a beautiful name?

Let me introduce myself to you since I know you'll be confused. I am your birth mother, Sarah James. I had you when I was young, at age 21. I married young as well, at age 20. I've met your father in high school and we both hit it off quickly. We knew we were each other's, I guess, "ones". We were each other's true loves. But, I was naive then. I fell for love, gave everything up for love. Your father is a jackass as you may say, I don't know. I apologize for the lack of motherhood here. You may wonder why your father is considered a jackass to me, but I can't tell you yet.

All I can say was that the family you live with now took you away from me. You were the only thing I had left, but they took you away from me before I even gotten the chance to watch you grow up, have your first words, your first step, your first day of school, your first love, your first dance, everything.. I guess it was my fault mainly. I want you back, I want another chance to prove myself I'm worthy and ready to have you. I still need to find my other one, Lucille but right now I want you to know who you truly are.

Midnight Avenue //unedited//Where stories live. Discover now