Chapter 45

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Fuck, it's raining.

But I still continue to run, I'm half way there and I feel some drizzle of rain coming down. A few minutes later, it was raining hard. Her house is 3 blocks away so I force myself to run faster.

When I get to her front porch, I was soaking wet. I ring the doorbell for someone to let me in. While waiting, I ruffled my hair and since I'm wearing a white t-shirt, you can see through the shirt.

"Harry.. Oh god, you're all wet. Why are you out in the rain? Come on in," Ariana's mum opens the door and quickly lets me in.

"Thank you.. I came to talk to Ariana," I say and look upstairs. I hear some mumbles of them talking.

"Now? It's like 1 AM. You and that rude blond kid. If you want to talk to her then you should wait until that blond one leaves. I don't know why he is still here after I told him he's not allowed in my home," she sighs and shakes her head. "What is going on between all of you? Since the day she met you guys, her life has completely turned around." she asks.

"Her life has changed? How?" I ask, which is a stupid question. I know her life changed because of me.

"Well, she hasn't been doing much. She hasn't been to one interview nor doing anything for her next album. I'm worried about her and her career."

"I'm sure she's just taking a break of it all, it's exhausting to do that much for her," I say.

"I know but 3 weeks? She's hardly ever had a break for this long." she stands up and disappears into a room.

Am I really hurting Ariana, her career, her life all at once? Ariana's mum comes back with a towel for me to dry off.

"Thank you Mrs. Grande," I give her a smile and she sits back down.

"Please just call me Joan." she quickly says. "Would you like a cup of tea while you're waiting?" she asks.

"Uh sure," I smile. Wait, why am I waiting? Niall is up there right now talking to Ariana and I came all the way here to stop that. Once Joan disappears into the kitchen, I run upstairs.

I find her room and I didn't even think. But I stopped myself when I placed my hand on the handle.

What if they are kissing? What if Ariana goes back to Niall because of his kindness and because of how much of an asshole I am? What if Ariana doesn't want to see me?

I disregard my questions and thoughts and closed my eyes. I leaned against the door.

"I'm so sorry about everything.. You have to forgive me or I can't go on," I hear Niall sob.

"Niall, you're drunk and I'm not sure that you're gonna mean this when you're sober. I told you that," Ariana says.

"I know I know. Please," Niall is crying so hard.

"Come here," Ariana says.

"I still have feelings for you. I got so jealous of Harry and- and I didn't know what got into me to say such cruel things and make you believe that I'm growing some kind of hatred for you." Niall cries while I believe Ariana is comforting him in her arms.

"It's alright Niall. I forgive you. And I'll tell you that when you're sober. Right now you just need some rest." she says and I hear some shuffling.

"Can you please kiss me?" Niall blurts out. What? My eyes literally bulge out at what he said. I should burst in right now to stop it but my feet won't budge.

Ariana can't kiss drunk Niall. Niall is a sappy love drunk. And Ariana can't kiss Niall because she's with me. Not technically my girlfriend or whatever... So it wouldn't be cheating.. But she knows she's mine, so I hope they don't.

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