Chapter 65

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Ariana's POV

Harry told me everything about how he felt about us, about the past, and about Jenna of course. It really helps me when he opens up to me.

"I was over at her place this morning." Harry tells me but I'm fine with it actually. He told me he's in love with me, so there's nothing I should worry about.

"What happened?"

"She was panicking and crying. She wanted to kill herself right then and there." Harry looks at me with his concerned eyes.

"What? Why?" I bolt up from my slouched position.

"Her fake kidnapping secret is going to be spilled out by her ex best friend. It's enough for her to live through the shame of such behavior, but now everyone's going to know and judge and hate on her. That's what I didn't want for her in the first place." He scratches the back of his head.

"I got her back, we both do right? No matter how much she put you and me through, we still need to protect her. She's got no one but us right now, right? It's the least we can do. We have our own army of fans against that friend of her's. We can win and she'll feel stupid for trying to ruin Jenna's life." I grab Harry's hand and he looks at me with a frown.

"Do you really think that'll work? Just because we have fans we can protect Jenna from suicide? Some fans already hate her and I can't let that hate get even more out of hand." He shakes his head.

"Well then, we can twist the truth to protect her."

"Twist the truth? How is that going to work?" He rolls his eyes.

"Maybe we can say that Jenna never said she was kidnapped, it's what the police said. Which is true. Say that Jenna was manipulated into her friend's words-" I stop myself because I honestly don't know what to do to help Jenna at this point.

"Nothing's going to work." He lets out a sigh and looks at me. "She's going to die." He presses his lips together. "We cannot change her mind. She's already in too deep, she cannot escape her suicide thoughts."

"No Harry stop. Stay positive. She's not going to kill herself okay? She's smart enough not to take her own life like that." I assure Harry.

"No. She's not that smart." He's being way to depressed over this.

"Harry, stop being so worried about her!" I snap. He looks at me with those eyes, those damn cursed eyes. I immediately regretted for snapping at him.

"Why do I need to stop worrying about her? Her life is completely at risk at this state, and you want me to stop worrying about her? How dare you?" He stands up and heads for the door. I immediately jump off from the floor and try to stop him.

"Harry stop. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap and I didn't mean it like that. Really. Please, I'm trying to help." I cry.

"Ariana, maybe you should stop helping. You're making everything worse. From the beginning you were trying to help, but did you really help?" He asks and now I'm confused. He just told me that I did help him and he was blind enough to not see that because of Jenna.

"No, I did help you. Look Styles, I'm trying my best and I know it's not good enough for you. Nothing is good enough for you. You know what, leave. You can leave, I'll just stay here by myself. I have to talk to Sean anyway." I slip out Sean's name. Crap.

"You're going back to Sean?" He looks at me deeply.

"What, no! I need to tell him that I need space, and that he needs to calm down." I correct myself.

"Oh, it doesn't matter anyway."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I frown.

"You can go back to him, clearly my love for you is none of your business and it doesn't matter to you one bit." He says to me and it hurts.

Midnight Avenue //unedited//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon