Chapter 21

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait for this update! I've been really busy. I've been going to the gym twice a week and I'm getting ready for school. So please, so sorry for the late update! I tried to make this chapter longer than usual just to make up for the wait. xxx


Harry's POV (June 23 7:40 AM)

Today's the last day the boys and I are staying in L.A. Ariana left to go back home yesterday and I feel so bad. The things she said to me, hurt me so bad. I knew I deserved it, because I kinda played with her heart.

I waited at LAX for Jenna to arrive. She should be here anytime soon.

I can't believe she's alive. I see paps surrounding me and the bodyguards protected me from them and the fans. I just waited and waited.

Finally, I see Jenna. I quickly lit my face up with a bright smile. I see her, about to cry, looking at me. I literally ran towards her.

"Jenna! I love you so much! I miss you!" I gave her a long lasting kiss. I missed her kiss, I missed her touch, I missed her everything. Then she pulls away and hugs me.

"Hi Harry. I miss you so much." I hear her cry. I was crying too. I kissed her head and rested my head on hers. The fans were going crazy and the paps kept taking pictures.

Ariana's POV

"Ari?" I heard a knock on my door. Frankie.

"Ari.. Open up, you can't drown yourself with your tears. It's not gonna help. Are you okay?" I hear Alexa. I try to stop my tears and hold back my sobbing. I wiped the tears on my cheeks away and got up.

I opened the door and see Frankie and Alexa with their worried faces.

"It's fine guys. I'm fine." I quickly say.

"Ari! You're crying. You're not fine, you're hurt. Come here." Frankie says, pulling me into a hug.

"You've been like that since you came home yesterday. What happened?" Alexa asks.

"Can we talk over some tea?" I ask.

"Yea yea, sure! Be back in a few." Frankie pulls away and walks out the door. Alexa and I took a seat on my bed.

"Ari, you can tell us, you know right? We'll be here for you."

"I know."

Niall's POV (10:34 AM)

I feel so lonely without Ariana around. Since we didn't have anything to do today, Liam is out with Danielle. Louis is out with Eleanor and Zayn and Perrie. Harry is with Jenna in his room for hours now. I haven't even seen Jenna yet.

And I'm alone in the hotel, on twitter.

I decided to call Ariana. But she didn't pick up. I called her a few more times and she still hadn't picked up. What's going on? I texted her.

Me- hey ari, why aren't you picking up?

I waited for awhile.

1 minute, 2 minute... No reply. That's when I stopped contacting her, trying not to be so clingy. She might be busy, or hanging out with Jai or her family.

Ariana's POV

After telling Frankie and Alexa what happened, they were pissed at Harry. I took another sip of my tea and let out a heavy sigh. I'm so tired from all the crying.

Honestly, I didn't know why I'm still crying because of Harry. I'm in a healthy relationship with Jai and it's time to tell him what happened, because he needs to know.

Midnight Avenue //unedited//Where stories live. Discover now