Chapter 32

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A/N: So the last few chapters had been a success thanks to you guys! I loved the comments you guys wrote and it just made my day. I keep forgetting to do dedications so this chapter is dedicated to


She's been the most wonderful reader I have. She's just outstanding. I love you so much!

I'll start giving out more dedications in the next few chapters! Thank you once again. I love you all!


"Jenna?" I yell out. I walk around the room and try to find her and she was gone.

"Shit," I mutter under my breath. I went back to the couch and sat down. I covered my face with my hands. Where is she? I look up and see an envelope.


It written on the front in Jenna's handwriting. I tore it open and quickly read the letter she left for me.

Harry, by the time you read this I'll be gone. Don't try to look for me and don't contact me or anyone I know of, not that you'll do anyway after what has happened. I know you'll never want to hear from me again and you don't care about what I have to say. So this is a goodbye letter, forever.

But I wanted to let you know why and how this all happened. The date we had at the movies, you saw me get two text messages. They were from my best friend, well not anymore. Her name is Tasha, the one in red with the blonde hair. She threatened to tell you what I was hiding if I don't. She wanted to ruin me. She's the one that convinced me to follow her plan and I was stupid enough to go with it. I wouldn't let her take all the blame after all, I did agree to it. It all started when we met. I knew you were the one. You were the one I love from first sight. I've never really felt this way about anyone ever. I didn't care about your fame or riches, I cared about you for you. I look at you as any normal guy, a sweet, charming, handsome, perfect guy. Tasha didn't believe that you love, no loved me. She told me that in order for you to prove your love to me, I had to do something. I didn't know what she was talking about. Until 2 days later, she told me her 'plan'. I was in disgust at first that she'll want me to disappear for a while just for you to show your true love for me. I didn't need some stupid plan for me to know if you love me or not but somehow she convinced me.

She told me that if this 'plan' of hers works, I'll be able to know if this, and I quote from what she said, "Famously, talented, pop star" truly loves me. She asks that what if I was some nobody that had no chance, that that's the reason why you've been hiding me. But I told her that you said we'll be better this way since I hate attention. But she doesn't believe me. Also that as soon as you're done with me, you'll move on to someone else right after. I had to know if you really do love me then. The night I told you that I was coming to L.A. to see you, I really was going to. But I never knew the plan was then. She hired her 23 year old friend, Russell to supposedly 'capture' me. I thought I was really being kidnapped because he just jumped on me out of no where and pulled me away into the bushes. He hide me in his house and if the police ever comes looking for me at his home, I'll be down at the cellar in his basement. It felt like I was really held captive for a week. A week of living hell. I wanted to talk to you so bad and tell you I'm okay. But she refuses because of this plan. I hate myself everyday to know that you were hurting because of me. After she said that the plan was done, she told me that you really do love me. It was the happiest I've ever been. She let me see the interview where you told everyone about us, where you broke down and Ariana had to tell you that I'm okay and I'll be fine. That I'm safe and strong. She said to remind yourself of that. I was crying. Literally crying my eyes out. After that, I hated Tasha. She pressured me into this, but I deserve your hate. I was naive and stupid to follow it.

Now that you know the whole story, I'm gone. Forever. You won't find me, I won't be in Seattle with my family. You can keep looking if you want, even though I know you won't.

I just have one more thing to tell you before this letter ends.

I really love you Harry. I love you since the very beginning. I love you Harry Styles and you'll always be in my torn and messed up heart.

Goodbye my love..


I found myself in total tears after reading the letter. My tear drops hit the thin paper and I quickly put it down so I wouldn't ruin it. It was the only thing left of hers that I have.

I came back to work things out with her. But I find her gone forever...

The story she told me, it was horrible. She felt like she was really kidnapped, she was hurting because she knew that she made me hurt. This is all too much to take in.

I love you since the very beginning.

Repeated over and over again.

"I love you Jenna Wilskin. I'll love you forever," I mutter. I have no chance in finding her. She can be anywhere. I want to contact her but she said not to.

This feels like how things were from the very beginning. I, wanting to find her but having no clue in where she could be. Having no contact with her.. Me, being miserable and crying.

This is how it all started again. We're going back to the beginning. Ariana, you've got to help me.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! But I am going to be updating very often this week so get ready for tons of new chapters!

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