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A chime sounded as the call finally connected. It was a little blurry but it was him all the same. From what she could see over the video call, his messy hair was slicked back into a bun and his beard was much less defined than it was when he left.

He smiled as he looked at his computer.

"Alo?" She questioned, her fingers buzzing with excitement.

The delay meant that he was a couple of seconds out but nevertheless, he grinned proudly and waved.


Sanem had worried about the connection and whether he would be available due to the fact that the last time they had attempted it, the call had cut off. Luckily, there was not a great time difference between them but the obvious lack of internet access, wherever he was, was apparent. 

"I can see you!" She smiled, eyes wide.

He flexed his hands at his screen as if to grab for her and blew a kiss.

"It feels so nice to see your face, I've only heard your voice for so long."

"It has felt like a while now." Sanem raised her lips into a solemn soft frown.

"I know..." He whispered. "Not long now though, we are doing better than I thought."

"Who is there with you?" She tilted her head.

Moving the screen around the harsh landscape, Can moved the laptop so she could see the other tents in the area. 

"There are other photographers here, some working for companies. There are also a few helpers here too and people who give aid to the native people."

"Ah. Is everything okay? What have you been up to?"

"You ask about me, I want to hear from you. You first!" He grinned; his facial tone warming. "Tell me everything."

She thought long and hard, the gentle breeze from outside kissing at her skin.

"The babies have been kicking a lot lately; I feel like I'm getting punched from the inside... Leyla says I'm getting big, like the size of a house." A quiet huff of amusement escaped her lungs.

"I bet you're not..." He chuckled.

"Hayır, I am." She confirmed. "I'm huge, it's funny. I wish you could see me."

She tucked a dark strand of hair behind her left ear and he respectfully waited for her to continue.

"Ayhan and Osman have been around here a lot, especially Osman; it's like he lived here." Can nodded as she spoke. "He's eaten most of my food so he just went out to do some shopping... Um, we're having a gender reveal party later in the garden with a few friends too."

Can raised his eyebrows. "Who will be there?"

"Just our friends and family. Osman, Leyla, Akif, Metin, Melihat, Emre etc."

There was a brief moment of silence but he smiled and nodded. "That sounds like fun, make sure you call me later. I should be able to answer."

Sanem grinned proudly and nodded her head. "What's the weather like over there? It's gotten a little bit cold here... I hope it brightens up for the party."

"It's almost too hot here, I've been struggling to sleep the past few days."

"You need your rest, I want you back in one piece. We do." She pointed at her belly, furrowing her brow. 

"I'll be okay, only a few more weeks. How far along now?"

"I think I'm nearly at 36 weeks..."

A pause between them broke apart the conversation.

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