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That was when the rain came.

The torrential rain that had been threatening its appearance since the morning. You could hear it on the roof, it made itself noticed with the thunderous sound.

She came with a determination.

She needed to because she wasn't wanted it that place. The sounds of her heels echoed through the building, taunting the inhabitants with her existence.

This was not going to end well.

His mother had arrived.

Sanem stood there for a while, assessing the situation. But there was no time to think, whatever decision she made, she had to make it now.

How should she react? 

What should she do?

Anxiety flooded her veins. She released her hands but couldn't figure out what to do with them, so instead, they clasped each other as if she was in need of touch and reassurance. Sanem knew in a matter of moments, he would be distraught. 

Thoughts and feelings clattered around her head until her body just did what came naturally to her. If her job was to protect him, she had to be with him.

Suddenly, Ceycey's side was left bare. Like the suddenness of the wind, she had vanished.

Can was still lost in his high spirits. The same always happened to him after intimate moments with her. Especially now, he had to concentrate on looking presentable before leaving.

The door clicked open and his head flew up like a dart. The familiarity of her face, something his mind could always decipher. In the few seconds before she ran to him, he regarded her as he always did when she entered a room, making any setting brighter. She closed the door behind her in a sort of way he had never seen. There was usually care shown in all her actions but this seemed rushed and urgent. Sanem's hands met his and he gave a questioning a eye of concern.

"You came back this time?" Can guffawed.

Sanem tried her best not to make it look frantic but it did. She knelt down before him. Her smile was not that of her own. Her body language was off, too expressive in the way she held herself. 

"What's happened?" His outlook fell from a wide grin to a stone gaze.

He looked at her more carefully, head leaning every time she tried to look away, engaging her full attention.

"What's wrong? Something is wrong." Can held her elbows with alarm.

He raised his seating position a little, ready to conquer the issue. With full knowledge, he knew that she would just say anything to distract him but it would not work. There was worry in her eyes.

"Hayir, yok. Nothing has happened. Uh, well... It's nothing. Just work related. I think there is an issue with one of the slogans... That's what Ceycey said. I don't think that it's anything imp-"

"Sanem." His word firm and to the point. He knew when she was lying.

"Tamam... tamam." She sighed in defeat. 

There were other ways to keep him safe. They would do this together.

"She is here. Your mother is here."

His eyes widened. There was the same look of anguish and frustration that was so familiar to her by now even when you mentioned the woman's name. Sanem could almost interpret what was about to happen.

He rose with unease but stood rigid against any that wished to hurt him. He had built his walls so high by now that nobody could harm him from his impenetrable barricade. At least now, he was preapred. He was no longer that weak boy that cried for love.

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