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She met his knowing gaze. 

Her eyes collected and bore every wrongdoing that had been poured upon her. The lies, the deceit, the issues from the past. All the words she could never utter. There were things that would keep her up all night. 

The negative reminders of all that she had hidden within her flashed across her mind as often as they could, just to let her know that she could never be truly happy with this weight inside her. 

He would never know. It was the only way.

One day in the future, these worries would dissappear because they would simply be forgotten and then, she wouldn't have to live in fear.   

That could be the only possible solution.

Just when she thought all hope was lost, she heard his voice saying her name. A few syllables that could send goosebumps along her spine. It grabbed at her awareness. He needed her full attention to continue.

"Then we will get married."

And she froze.

The sounds of the gulls screached as another boat came into the harbour and occasional cyclists passed them on the parallel stretch of concrete by the bay.

Did he just utter those words?

It was though she just imagined it.

She never actually thought she would see the day that he would ask her that question. It took a little while for those little words to sink in like their meaning hadn't hit her yet. When they did, she felt it in her lungs, in her chest. 

Confusion, fear, inclination. 

The idea was ludicrous yet there was an appeal to it. She had never wanted anything more in her life at that moment, despite the suddenness of it all.

She thought to herself about whether Can would be intimidated by how sure she was of this. For him it could have been merely a suggestion but for her, it had its perks. She loved him, she could never be with anybody else than with him.

Wasn't that why people got married?

She imagined how life together could be.

It was nothing more than perfect with him.

They both would be surrounded by so much love and affection that the shackles of every lie she had uttered to him would be no matter. 

Even though recent times were black and white, the future would be full of colour.

She could imagine him in the future. 


They would go abroad together. The sunlight would ooze into their bare bodies as solely being happy in their partnership was enough. He would strip off to swim in the summer, his muscles sore from how they touched each other and they would never part.

There would be no worries or suspicions then. 

In the future, everything would be beautiful.

They would unite every night in each other's arms. He would be able to show her how much he loved her through his actions. He would be unrestrained. They would be able to make love for hours, exhausted but never tired of one another. They could spend the waking moments experiencing new matters, knowing what they would do to each other in the evenings. He could have her. He could bury himself deep inside of her without having to worry about the consequences. They could both pleasure one another as much as they wanted.

They would have promised their lives to each other.

In the future, she could imagine sitting together, on sun soaked grass in the heat of peak summer. With his child in her belly and its sibling in his arms. There would be that sweet warmth of the nature surrounding them, the whispers of insects and rivers flowing. She would feel the embrace of the one she would always love surrounding her.

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