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"I'm pregnant."

She had never felt intensity like it. It was as though the room fell silent, despite the never-ending groups of people all around her. The air was thin, so thin you could cut it. She felt a minuscule shiver flow across her body as his stare remained on hers, his expression changing by the second.

Never before had she analysed him so carefully. Watching how his chest rose and fell, how his brow creased and eyebrows rose. Any little inkling of how he was reacting.

Slowly, his face fell and became that of his serious, contemplating self.

Fear rippled through her body.

"Are you serious?"  He said firmly.

In this sensory overload, her limbs felt electric, as if laced with chemicals and she swallowed her thoughts deep into her throat. She felt as her hands twisted against the fabric of her blouse and her legs knotted around one another. It was just one look at his face and she became an anxious mess.

Sanem nodded.

It was then, his once lifeless face grew with happiness.

A smile so radiant that it lit him up. The man who sat before her looked like a young boy that had never experienced pain, only a gracious life, only the finest memories. There was childlike wonder in those tiger eyes, fluid and contagious. 

"How do you feel?" She asked cautiously.

Cocking her head a little, she tried to read him. Energy bubbled from everywhere, as if he had just finished his first skydive, relishing the adrenaline. It looked like happiness, but it was something more than that, something deep and rooted within him.

"How do I feel?" Can said, grinning from ear to ear. "This is a wonderful thing."

Reaching with no care over the table, he pulled her into a bear hug, tight and relentless. So he could get closer, he got up and fully pulled her into this embrace. It never seemed like he would let go. His nose sat permanently into the crook of her neck and his strong arms were woven tightly under her arms.

"Careful!" She laughed slightly

Can pulled back and scanned her eyes, almost with fireworks exploding in his own.

"Sanem!" He exclaimed in disbelief.

Tenderly holding both of her shoulders, he smiled gleefully. In doing so, he surveyed her, as the shyness she expelled made him curious.

"What do you think?"

Her lips twinged into a soft smile.

"I'm- I'm..." She thought carefully, her voice shaking. "I'm overwhelmed you could say... I mean I'm happy, I'm so so happy but I'm..." 

Sanem exhaled as if she tried to release all the tension that she held in every limbs. 

All the strain from every muscle.

What she could not erase somehow, were the thoughts that cascaded across her mind like a whirlwind.

"Why do I feel like you are worrying again?" 

Sanem looked up and as usual, he watched her in her mess of thinking. Two folds of skin creased in between his eyebrows and he tried his best to calm her worries.

"Bak, we have each other now. Everything that will happen will be between the two of us."

She nodded, still knowing that her overthinking would continue nevertheless.

"I still can't believe it." Can grinned gladly. "How long have you known?"

"Just a few hours."

"So that's why you were acting so strange." He sighed, grinning at his comprehension. "I knew I could read you well."

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