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If I have a lover one day,

Hand in hand, 

We will fly wingless over the clouds.

If I have a lover one day,

We will hold onto galloping horses,

And we will touch the stars.

If I have a lover one day,

We will land on the wing of an albatross,

And we will love each other purposely.


Weeks had passed and finally, the day had come.

Can roused gently, as delicate sunbeams entered the bedroom. The familiar weight of her limbs made a smile uncontrollably creep to his cheeks and he opened his eyes, seeing her lifeless body on top of him.

He felt a double chin protrude under his beard as he watched her silent beauty.

Glancing at the clock on the cabinet by their side, he nudged her softly, despite wanting her to remain content in her naivety.

"Günaydın" He whispered, running his fingers through her hair.

She groaned, annoyed at being woken, but naturally, opened her eyes to see him anyway. Trying her best to stay awake, she widened her gaze at his humorous expression and nuzzled into his chest.

"Hadi, Erkenci Kuş."

Getting out of bed, Can proceeded to get changed. He selected a blue shirt, all under the watchful eye of Sanem, who was wrapped like a burrito in the sheets.

"Wear the white one." She encouraged, smiling as he looked back at her. "It goes with the jacket."

Can pulled a face at her but sighed and took her advice.

Quicker than she had wanted, he was ready and so, she had to get out of bed. 

Moaning at time which was early even for her, she placed her bare feet against the cold hard wood floor. She felt the icy cold sensation creep up her legs and she sat grumpily on the mattress, the duvet still enveloping her.

A chuckle escaped his lips and he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Hadi." He encouraged.

Nevertheless, Sanem got changed, trying on the dress which she had been given as a gift for this event. It was a green dress. A dress that really accentuated her features and represented many desired symbols, yet she did not know it.

And soon, she would realise just how that colour was trying to tell her something.

They both watched each other in the mirror in front of them. It felt so domestic. Trying to be subtle yet failing miserably, they admired each other and marvelled at the fact that after everything, they stood here together, strong and immovable. 

Sanem shifted her attention back to her evening outfit again. "Do you think this even suits me? It makes my stomach look weird."

She squinted at herself and then frowned comically.

Can tutted at her. 

"Of course it suits you." He confirmed. "And how could anything look weird on you, I love this part of you."

He knelt down and nuzzled his head against her stomach, kissing it softly and she held him there. His rough nose swayed against her figure and he looked up to her in sultry adoration.

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