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The white sand crunched between her toes as she looked out to the crystal waters.

It would have been honest, yet a little blunt, to admit that she was being spoiled by the endless supply of wonderful beaches on this journey. But this one was particularly beautiful.

Tucked away in a little corner of the landscape, this cove was a marvel.

The golden orb radiated its glow down onto their bodies. Sun-kissed and golden. It shone against their skin as if it was crafted solely for that purpose. They lay side by side against the sand and the heat of peak summer enhanced the whole experience. 

Only the prominent sound of the rolling waves could be heard through this place and the calls of gulls sounded out to sea.

Brushing some pesky grains off the back of her legs, Sanem got up and stretched out her sore muscles. Pushing her hair away from her face, she headed enthusiastically to the water.

It was obvious that she was unaware of his gaze.

Ever since that night, he had been eyeing her hungrily like an animal thirsty for more. But these moments were the most testing. Sanem in a tight black swimming costume that hugged everywhere just right. As she let go of his grasp and walked to the water, his eyes had followed her every move.

In one simple dive, her body was completely submerged under the water.

Just as she disappeared, the tip of her head bobbed up again and naturally, he saw it as his cue. Unbuttoning his shirt, he threw it in a pile by the rest of their belongings, knowing that they would not be disturbed. 

The now present feeling of the sand between his toes was something that really invigorated him.

Following his bound connection to her, he headed into the water.

Unlike that of many places, this water was welcoming. Not icy cold but warm.

He dived in; his hands entering first like the head of a dart. Wishing he could take in the underwater sights, he forgot about the saltiness of the water and so naturally, he reappeared from its complete expanse.

She smiled knowingly to herself.


(2 Years Prior)

Sanem looked out to the perfect beach that stood before her. 

She marvelled at how the peak of summer really made places like this stand out. She had never been to Ağva before but she could definitely say that it was beautiful. 

She had travelled there with her boss, Can, in search of a model for the company's shoot. To her, it seemed like a blur in the background, as all she wanted to do was see the sights.

But there was another thing.

She had been told by his brother Emre to make sure that Can and this new model did not meet. 

And they had.

One of her newest tasks and she had failed.

She was going to be fired for sure.

All this pressure on her shoulders beat her down. Trying to be positive, she shrugged her shoulders, as if to shake the heavy weight and took in the sun's rays. 

Of all the other worries on her mind, there was one that she dreaded to come to terms with. Something that seemed awful and the exact opposite of what her sister always told her was good work behaviour.

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