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The silence of the empty room rang at his ears like clumsy church bells. A room that had just been filled with love and the wonderful sounds of her laughter felt devoid of warmth and empty.

Had she really just left again? 

She was not going to walk out on him.

Positive and negative thoughts collided in his head. One side completely immersed in her and the other fearing the worse. That's just what his body naturally did. He knew he should feel bad about doubting her but there was a part of him that could not help it. His natural instinct to suspect any person and evaluate each sentence for lies was part of him before he could remember.

Fragments of thoughts, splinters of words.  

Just sitting there, swivelling a little on his chair, the big guy was lost in the forest of his mind. 

How had this little city girl changed him so much? 

What had she done to him?

Hadn't he always said that he would change for no one?

But he couldn't fight it.

The difference he had seen in himself had approached so drastically, he had no time to stop it. He couldn't stop his body changing for her, his mind changing for her. It just happened like human nature and he wasn't even aware of it. 

Since his mother had left him all those years ago, he'd always told himself from that point on to separate himself from others and track the road alone. Never get settled. Because someone will disappoint you. They will. It always happens.

He would never let anyone hurt him the way that his mother had hurt him. 

She had deserted him.

So naturally, he built his walls up, not letting anyone close to him. At the drop of a hat, he would move from place to place, using his photography career to his advantage, flying like an albatross to wherever his heart desired, just as long as he didn't stop. He cut off connections and only stayed with people that he knew could be trusted, leaving them before they had the chance to leave him. 

There was only a few people that he had built a lasting relationship with. 

His olds friends Akif and Metin.

Even his ex-girlfriend Polen if he thought about it.

But all it took was his the minute chance of meeting Sanem and everything had changed. He was no longer that secluded, lonely man. He did not have her memory by any means but the one day he would always remember was the day that he met her personally. Technically, it was the day after they had met.

He was heading past the coffee station, still not knowing the company very well as he had only recently started. Walking past, he noticed in the corner of his eye three young-looking employees. One who he loosely recognised as Güliz, as she'd been his father's assistant for many years and she was the one who many employees approached for company information. 

It had to be said, he had only made a brief number of visits in the years to see his father and Emre, so he still had no idea about half of the employees or the layout of the office. 

The other two individuals, however, he did not recognise. 

To his amusement, one of the two was bad-mouthing him. The sound of his name brought back his attention during his absent-minded stroll, coming from the mouth of a young woman.

She was complaining about how the bosses had happy lives and everybody else had to work. All he could do was furrow his brow and grin at her in confusion. The woman went on and on about her opinions of what she thought Emre and Can were like, despite never meeting them.

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