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The world was silent as if it had ended in the night. Early mornings were their own reward. There were no drones of cars, just the pleasant sound of birds and a nearby forest waving. The morning breeze nipped at her bare legs as her dress and blue fleece were the only items keeping her warm.

Sanem needed to think. She wanted to sneak away coyly, so that he wouldn't know and return home for work. Her feet ached with blame and remorse and she wanted to turn around and return to him. 

To be honest, she was surprised that Can had let her leave dressed the way she was, not following her and letting her walk the streets alone in the morning. 

He was very protective.

If she hadn't have made a noise, he would have been none the wiser. But now, he definitely knew that she had left. She was sure of it.

She loved everything about their time together. She just wished she had more. 

After leaving, she felt like a different person, as if everything had changed . There were parts of her thoughts that noticed that it all happened so quickly and it created worry in her mind. Despite this, she shook the warning signs in her mind away from her; the night before had been so special. 

Even with her photographic memory, the worries clattered around her head.  

They both loved each other, she knew that but the cocoon of comfort which was this friendship game had kept her somewhat safe. They had been close, almost too close in fact to be friends, but there was still enough distance to not allow herself to admit everything at once. 

There was still one fragile lie that sustained her distress and she couldn't bring herself to torture him again. 

Lies were what had torn them apart.  

Sanem wasn't even sure if he would forgive her for this, no matter how much he loved her.


The dim sky had grown brighter now and she was sure it must have been around eight in the morning. The concrete below her was oblivious to whether it is midday or midnight. The coolness of the early morning was deceptive as the sun had barely risen and the altitude was always fresher in the Winter. The hills were silhouettes against a crimson sky and the air smelled of the ocean; either from the Black Sea or the Marmara Sea. There was only the cry of the gulls as they called for the fishing boats to come into Istanbul.

She knew he was going to kill her. She was well aware of this.

Heading home to change, she sneaked inside finally and cleaned herself up. Grabbing any items she could need, she headed back out the door, looking around, hoping no local neighbours noticed her. Walking into the workplace a little earlier that usual, she rushed straight through the reception. She was usually early anyway but on this occasion, she was extra early.

Preparing herself, Sanem knew that if she came on time, he would have already been in the building, waiting for her. At least she could use this to her advantage. Being early was her speciality. 

Nevertheless, there wasn't enough time in the world that would allow her to be ready for Can Divit. 

Her eyes automatically dashed to a face she recognised and she headed over to meet Ceycey at his usual spot by the coffee bar. Meeting him, she looked around at the empty agency. 

It was an odd sight. What was generally a tiered office space, full of bustling people and tremendous noise was now vacant. There was nobody printing, scanning, working on their computers or setting up meetings. Instead, you could hear a pin drop. The moderate sounds of cars passed the road in front of the company and only the coffee machine was audibly in use. There was nothing going on. The only think you could see was the outside light that shone in through the windows and the day finally starting to begin. 

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