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T.W - Violence


Rare is this love,

Keep it covered.

I need you to run to me, run to me, lover.

Run until you feel your lungs bleeding.

- H.Z


Sanem felt her head stir.

Everything was happening at once.

Contingency passed through her just like her breath, hot and heavy. 

Awkward by his side, she looked around to find some sense of clarity, the room spinning with her. The seasoned building swayed as she steadied herself and Polen met her heated gaze.

The interaction was strange. She had barely spoken to her, however, seeing her there felt like a piece of hope. After the ordeal of the last day or so, a new person was on the cards.

The realisation indeed shocked her. Worryingly, it made her feel optimistic. This was the last emotion she thought she would be feeling.

Dust from the stone or concrete that lay underfoot discoloured her shoes and Sanem rubbed at the floor, as the two siblings made their connection once again. Small fragments of pebbles clattered at her action and swirls of particles lifted into the air, swirling against the beams of light from the windows.

Marvelling at the sights, Sanem savoured the tender moment.

The sound of Polen clearing her throat predestinately brought her back down to tasteless reality. She acted confidently, head held high. As graceful as she was, the woman who stood before her had that prowess that naturally flowed from her bones. She knew where she was going in life, she knew what she had in front of her. Everything was set out like a clear pathway.

There was a similar glow of self-confidence within her that she had seen from Can the day she met him. They both had a similar exterior. Assertive and uncaring. They were captivating to look at, grabbing the attention of anyone around. No matter the conversation, you would hang on to their sentences, following closely the words that would flow from their lips. 

They didn't have to demand attention or popularity, they ousted it. 

Maybe that was why it was so difficult to comprehend that Can and Polen had split up when they did.

They complimented each other.

They were like the same person.

As she watched her, her makeup seemed airbrushed, her clothes coordinated with their warmth and tone, her bag and jacket matching, even from metres away. Everything seemed perfect, mature and put together. The perfect model, both physically and mentally, to have as a partner.

Polen. An enigma. 

It was just this that saddened Sanem even further, despite the fact that she had already accepted this reality. She was going to be the person to put her out of reach for life. It all worked out perfectly. Logically, Polen was the right person to be forcing Sanem into a new life, not even to get Can back, but out of revenge.

She had taken him from her.

And now, she was the one with the decision in her hands.

Polen was at the top of the food chain.

This was her opportunity, to put the obstacle away for good.

At the same time, Sanem couldn't put her finger on what was bugging her. Gazing around at the immense warehouse, the dust and sadness in the air. This coincidence was too great to be ignored. This wasn't just any place. This linked both women together.

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