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There is a legend in Ağva, a populated place in the Şile district of the İstanbul Province, about a stone bride. The rock formation of the cliff resembles a bride and so the legend remains.


There was once a beautiful girl who lived there but she never went beyond the boundaries of the area.

One day, a stranger arrived.

He was a captain who had travelled all across the world on his little yacht and until that moment, he had not found his beloved woman.

But as soon as he layed eyes on the girl, he immediately fell in love with her.

The girl, of course, fell in love with him.

Naturally, they decided to get married.

The captain asked for the girl's hand but was rejected, saying that they would never give her hand to a stranger.

They decided to escape, to elope.

The young girl, as they agreed, went to the cliffs of the sea shore in her wedding dress and waited for the captain. 

But after several hours, even several days, the captain did not come.

The girl was very upset.

She said since she cannot be with her beloved, then she would either become a bird or a stone. 

And so, she became a stone.

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