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She awoke to his text.

Günaydın bebek

It roused her and as always, she couldn't remove the warm smile from her cheeks. If only they had slept together. It was the best way to wake up, in his arms.

She punched a response back into her phone.

Sana da günaydın Sevgillim

Gathering the strength to face the day, her legs carried her out of bed.

Sanem showered the worries of the passed day off of her shoulders. A blank canvas to begin again. Choing a purpley brown patched dress, she added a belt to accentuate her curves. Luckily, she remembered that she had knee high boots that matched well and she curled her hair with the extra time she had in the morning, adding her standard natural makeup.

With Can in mind, she added her perfume. Taunting him with it made her feel powerful as such a dominant man could drop to his knees over the thing he loved.

Running late, she rushed to the front door and grabbed some food to eat on the way, much to her mother's annoyance. Leyla waited for her in vexation and marched a little ahead of her to emphasise the delay.

Clouds dominated the morning sky leaving transitory patches of blue. Though they were mostly white, there was a hint of greyness. This layer of protection warmed the city. For now it was low lying but it looked as if it could rain. A Taxi was their last resort to try and get to work on time. It was her sister's suggestion but it was no use. They were still late by ten minutes and in Leyla's book, that was a disaster. She had always been the professional type.

As they walked inside, they could see the usual morning hum had been replaced by a distant murmuring of people from across the hall. Leyla detached from Sanem's side and went into her room to set up her laptop for the day.

Sanem, now stood alone, was inquisitive to the ruckus and she could see the crowds forming. 

People were looking up from their laptops to see who the new face was in their firm. Deren and Güliz were already in the process of investigating the mystery man, especially as he was alone and not bad looking. They had already walked off to interrogate him and he looked like a child swimming for the first time, completely out of his depth.  

The man was tall, at least an inch or so taller than Can. 

He carried himself with confidence but a kind expression, like he knew something nobody else did. Brown, gingerish stubble layered his face and his hair was short and scraggly. The clothes he wore were somewhat smart but they looked casual on his body.

It was then that he noticed her approaching, looking to her like a savior from this female torment. Although, the look was more accentuated than that. 

"Can I help you?" Sanem emphasised, the two other women turning to face her, realising their intensity.

"Ev-Evet." He stuttered. The man cleared his throat. "Evet. I'm enquiring into an advertising company and this one looks great for my business."

Deren, Güliz and Sanem all nodded in unison. New customers were always good.

He offered out his hand for them to shake. "Yiğit."

They all responded, welcoming him and got introduced. Inevitably, Sanem just wanted to see Can and the swooning that the other women were giving this man was not really speeding up the process.

"If you are enquiring about our firm, the person you should speak to is Can bey, the boss." Sanem added.

Yiğit watched her for a while. The man seemed kind, his eyes gave out a sort of warmth.

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