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"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms..."

- Henry David Thoreau



Such a fragile yet powerful thing.

Depending on upbringing, status, wealth, mental clarity or many other factors, we may perceive it in different ways. People suggest similar ideas about life. Many follow different religions that give their take on how and why life is so sacred; each with their own weight and intensity.

Yet when you strip away all the alleged meaning to something so unimaginable, vast and endless, you realise how small, compact and insignificant life is. 

Life, as the term suggests, is at the eye of the beholder.

A single life.

For the individual, they will never experience anything different, no matter how much they try and believe so.

A finite time of existence.

Only now can be felt, can be seen. The past is dead matter that can no longer be accessed and even looking ahead, the future is an unknown realm. Anything held in the future is and is not possible.

People speak of life like it itself is human, when in many cases, it could be persevered as a non tangible substance. People say life is cruel, as if life is a man who harms his inferiors. People say life is beautiful and marvellous, as if life is a young woman with substantial prospects. 

And as unbelievable as all of this is, life starts from something minuscule.

A seed in a plentiful soil.

Two factors that intertwine perfectly creating life.

Such a rare commodity. The chance that you, yourself, were born is so insanely small that as a human, you may not even comprehend it.

It is the beginning of all things. Wonder, hope and countless possibilities.

A child, like a blank canvas of experience, who could become anything.

A new life.

Something completely incomprehensible but really, it is simple.


She stared at her sister, eyes wide, mouth open.

You could see how her mind was at war with her body, fighting off any new idea that appeared inside her. She was unsure and if anything, now, she was scared.

"Sanem?" Leyla asked at her silence.

Thoughts spun around her head like a child's mobile and all she could do was stare, speechless, as they flooded into her head.

"I - I"

The whole room felt like it would spin out of control and soon she would be on the floor, passed out. At the same time, stress built up inside her, almost from out of nowhere. A stress and an irritation that she had never seen before. It almost felt not a part of her.

The world felt too big for her head.

"Sanem, are you?" Her sister said again.

And still, Sanem remained silent.

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