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It caught Leyla's attention.

Something that looked like some sort of insect bite on Sanem's neck. 

Well, it was a bite of sorts.

"What's that red mark?" Leyla questioned.

She was quite suspicious of what answer her younger sister would give as she had her guesses. Leyla hoped it wasn't what she suspected. Especially in their area, with their customs. She had been with Can last night and she wasn't stupid. She just didn't want her little sister being led astray. 

"Everything stays between you and me, remember."

They had to keep these things secret until there was a clear intention to marry.

But from what Sanem had said, there was a discussion about this topic. He was considering it.

Even still, their parents would have a heart attack.

Leyla raised a questioning eyebrow to the silence between them. 

Sanem hadn't said a word. She just looked at her feet.

At first, Leyla felt bad for her sister, admiring her initial innocence until she noticed her face change to a smile. She was hiding a radiant grin. The kind that should be hidden. A mixture of embarrassment, pride and guilt emerged. 

It was clear she was reminiscing on the previous night.

"Sanem." Leyla snapped, tutting afterwards to show how she was unimpressed.

She felt a little bad after she saw the face that was now laced with guilt on her sister's face.

She couldn't say much either, even she was a hiding a dirty secret from her sister. 

Who was Leyla to condemn her sibling's actions after what she had done in the same streets the night before? 

The same streets that would gossip about her and belittle her with a negative names if they ever found out.

She had been with Emre.

The fact that they could get bothered about the relationship yet the men were left in peace irked her. She couldn't help it. Leyla had loved Emre for what seemed like a millenia. Her gaze would always meet him over anybody else in the work place. He was always on her mind. 

No matter how many times her sister had tarnished his name, the reasons still unknown to her, she could always find it within herself to defend him. She had the utmost respect for his brother, Can, which was now Sanem's choice of partner but before he had arrived at the company, Emre was the one who she believed fought for the place and the staff.

He had always been gracious towards her, as she was his personal assistant and he allowed Sanem employment. But when he started taking an interest in her, it was as if she had never been happier.

That kiss. In his car. In her streets.

Her mind was able to remember the look in his eyes when he approached her and how her heart felt as if it would explode from her chest. She had always dreamed that one day they would prove everyone wrong and run away together.

Tomorrow she'd find a way to talk to him, tell him how she felt, then she could finally stop hiding her emotions.

"Sanem..." Leyla whispered, very unlike herself.

"Evet?" Her sister watched her cautiously.

"I've got something to tell you." She stated, full of excitement but with a hint of guilt.

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