He burst in laughter what's funny Nicky? I don't know I held Malcolm's hand and felt a burst of laughter. He made me laugh to make you laugh because you like the way I laugh Gabriel.

You like my laugh? Yes Nicky. Wow Niarchos shook his little hand Gabriel snapped a picture.

Clarence entered what's wrong honey? I'm in pain bad and tired Clarence. It's ok don't cry come lay down he lay close to her.

Niarchos put his finger to his mouth shhh Gabriel nodded yes.

Saint's phone went off you finally called back? When are you taking your rightful place Niarchos? As soon as the lawyer's find a loop hold.

Working on it Alpha.
Can you keep a secret Saint? How big is it? BIG I have a new baby one of the babies is mine I wanted to tell my brother first.

I know congrats brother. You knew? I did I saw you conceive her the night I left you at the hotel. You didn't warn me? Had I would you have said no? Nope. Alright then besides we need an heir and your child is a lycan born princess she's next for the chair if or when you step down.

A female? Sure she-wolves can lead packs do you want me to document her birth in our book's? Not yet. Oh what a tangled we we weave when we practice to deceive Nick. Shut up Saintina. Haha.

You want to be in my business what's up with you and Diva glam? Thing's are going well she understands my gift coming from my grandfather's coven. Does she have it? No which work's for me. How many date's Saint? Five Nick. Getting serious. Possibly she's pretty and funny. Can you handle all that chocolate? I mean she's a big sexy girl.

What's A big girl Nick? A plus size woman Saint. Let me ask since you're old. Haha okay. When you were younger did you hear those terms bbw, plus size, ssbbw, big girl? No I heard robust a woman being thick was and is in my book sign of wealth.

If a man had a skinny woman it meant she wasn't eating and y'all were struggling Saint. Haha in my eyes Diva's just a woman. That's true you fucked Diva yet? No why'd you ask that way? Cause that's how I talk to my brother's you want me to act formal or be real? Real you're hood Niarchos. I was born on a plantation not with a silver spoon like you Ssint if plantation living ain't hood what is? He has a sense of humor! I'm in a good mood Saint. Congratulation's on your daughter again big brother.

Thank you!

Four babies cried during the night wake up Clarence. I'm up Sugar he was at Malcolm's crib hey boy it's me papa picking him up..Angel shhhh.

Clarence grabbed bottles for them Gabriel Marcus gets blood. I don't need a reminder Clarence Gabriel was cranky.

Sorry honey. I'm sorry Clarence I'm tired. You want a nanny Sugar? Not now Clarence take Marcus and Angel they take blood. I'll handle Malcolm and baby Fi is asleep.

There was a knock vome Joanie hi I have to take readings. She pressed button's recording the stats. I'll have to take Ms. Fi I'll bring her back guys. Call when she wakes so I can come down and feed her Joan.

Zion said bed rest Gabriel because you're turning. I'll come down please call Joan.

Yes ma'am. She dozed off the house phone rang. Hello? She is awake Gabriel. Coming. She saw Clarence was asleep honey I'm going to feed baby Fi. I'm coming. Can't honey they're sleep I'll be right back you go next time Clarence. Ok sugar.

Gabriel text Niarchos
Where r u? In my room opening the door. She smiled Niarchos picked her up because she was holding the wall to walk. Thank you honey are you happy papa? Very can't stop smiling. Still scared? Some I want to leave.

Vampire Uprising I  (Book 1 In The Complete Series Of 13 Copy writen) Where stories live. Discover now