Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 36

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Chapter 36- Do You Love Her?

                “S.U. really knows how to throw a nice party huh.” Adrian commented who was standing beside Nate, they were at a grand hotel which was located at the heart of Stanvard City.

Nate heard one of his mates agreed to Adrian’s comment but he didn’t even budge. He had no time or spirit to appreciate all the decoration. He was busy looking at the hotel entrance waiting for Krishia to come. Yes Krishia, it had been a month since he started to detach himself from her. It had been a month of pure hell.

                Nate tried but miserably failed to forget Krish, there were times when he thought of talking and explaining to her, to let her know how he really feels, but it was too late. Nate saw how happy Krishia was with Drake. It almost tore his heart apart.

But remembering the look on Krishia’s face on that day when he decided to let go of her, the day when he let Krishia think that it was all just a game for him. Remembering how hurt and broken she looked made all the hurt and suffering he was feeling still not enough to make up to all the damage he had done to her.

He was plainly stupid for letting go of Krish, he thought a month of separation and detachment would make him forget her. But no, it even made him want to be with her more. To hug her and kiss her until she felt how sorry he was for treating her that way.

Nate wanted to make Krish feel and hear what he really feels towards her. He wanted Krish to know how deeply and madly in love he was with her.

                It was the night of their first dance and kiss, his most treasured moment, that he admitted to himself that he loves Krish. But because of Drake’s declaration of love to Krish he backed down, the most regretful decision he had made.

                That night on the Pub, he thought it was the wisest moved to let Drake have Krishia. But as days passed he realized it was the stupidest decision he had made. He didn’t even fight for his feelings, he didn’t even try to fight for Krish.

                But it was all too late now, she was happy with Drake. And if it meant that he would be enduring the pain every time he’d see Krish with his best mate, Drake, just to see the smile on her beautiful face again, he would gladly let go.

                “There you are Drake, where’s Krish?” Nate looked at Layne who was patting Drake’s back in greeting. Even though Nate was showing his mates a straight face, his mind was full of questions. Where’s Krish? Why isn’t she with Drake? She was Drake’s date.

                “She said that she wants to come with her friends.” Drake dismissively said.

                “Those girls just couldn’t be separated. Maybe that’s why Cindz turned down my invitation.” Layne said who looked a little much happier with that thought.

                “Hahaha come on mate don’t boost your ego just yet. And to think that she turns down every invitation you make.” Nate forced out a smile as all of his mates laughed, except Layne, on Adrian statement.

                “You’ll see. She’ll eventually succumb to my charms.” Layne said in full confidence.

                “I can’t wait to see that happen.” Excel said with a hint of humor still evident on his voice.

                “Oh you’ll see it soon I promise.” Layne said that as his gaze went to the hotel’s entrance where Kim, Kla and Cindy entered with a man he could not recognize. Nate waited for a while, but no, there was no Krishia, not even her shadow.

                Where is she?  Nate looked at Drake, who was also looking at the girls. He wanted to ask him, Drake would know if something was up. Is she ill? Did something happen to her?

                Nate shook his head. He thought that the girls would not be here if something bad happened. His gaze was still at the three girls who were now approaching there side, he gave them a simple smile. He wanted to ask them, but he knew one of his mates would do that for him.

                “Such gorgeous thing you three!” Layne exclaimed at the girls, as Nate and the other boys just nod in agreement, but Layne was looking directly at Cindy. The girls murmured their thanks while Nate saw Drake, who was in his left side, holding his phone.

                “But I think someone’s missing?” Nate sighed at Exel’s question, he was the only man who knew how Nate was feeling. Nate silently thanked God that Exel asked the question that was bugging him for a good while now.

                “She’s not feeling well.” Kla said while looking anywhere but the boys’ eyes.

                “Oh it’s sad that she’ll be missing this nice party. But well you have this party every year.” That was the last thing Nate heard from the group, he was actually zoning out. From how Kla answered Exel’s question he knew something was wrong.

                He was still in deep thoughts when he felt someone slightly grabbed his shoulder. And as he turned his head, he saw Drake’s no expression face.

                “We need to talk.” After saying those words Drake straightly walked out to the exit of the hotel, Nate a little taken aback of Drake’s sudden approach, just got out of his trance and walk to where he saw Drake went.

                The exit led them both to the back of the hotel, which consisted of non-other than a big space parking lot. It took Nate a few seconds to spot where Drake was standing. He was leaning on his car. Slowly he walked his way to him, when he was three feet away from him, Drake suddenly had spoken.

                “Do you love her?” That made Nate stopped walking. He wanted to shout ‘YES’ but it was not that simple.

                “What are you talking about mate?” Nate forced out a laugh, trying to make Drake’s question sounded like a joke.

                “You know what I’m talking about, so answer my question.” Drake said with a very stern voice but still he didn’t turn his back to look at Nate.

                “You’re really puzzling me Drake.” Nate started to walk to Drake’s side and as he stood just a few inches he put his hand on Drake shoulder.

                “Drop the act Nate! For once, be a man and answer me!” Drake abruptly turned to face Nate, which made Nate forcibly drop his hand from Drake’s shoulder. “Do you love Krish?” Drake looked straight to Nate eyes, as if he was reading what Nate was thinking.

                “It’s not that easy Drake.” Nate averted his face away from Drake’s searching eyes.

                “I’m giving you a chance here Nate.” Drake breathed out a frustrated sigh. “This is hard for me mate, so please, answer me. I’ll ask you one last time.” One look at Drake’s face, Nate knew that it was really hard for him. “Do you love her?”

                “Yes, I do.”  

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