Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 23

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Chapter 23- Clearing Up

Good morning Krish. Hey?

Nate sent Krish a message again. Krishia didn’t reply to his ‘good night’ message last night. Since it wasn’t a ‘GOOD’ night after all and this morning wasn’t even a ‘GOOD’ morning too. She couldn’t sleep last night and now she woke up too early. Ghad! Krishia just wanted to drift and forget the real world even for a while. Now her cosy sheets didn’t even look inviting to her like they always do, what was wrong with her, she asked herself. Oh yeah! Nate. GF. Why weren’t the odds favouring her now? Krish was just asking for a long dreamless sleep. That was all.

Good morning. :) Krishia figured that she had to reply to make him think nothing was wrong. Krish added a smiley to make it more convincing. After all, she had no right to be angry at him. Well, if she was miserable, it wasn’t his concern. Katie was Nate’s girlfriend not her.

Can we talk later at school? Nate’s reply was fast.

Sorry Nate. Busy. We have Major quizzes later :) It took Krish ten minutes to think. She wanted to see him but well, her seemliness was somehow stung. Plus, it would feel really awkward talking to Nate right now.

How about after school? Nate messaged again.

Krish decided not to reply anymore. She didn’t want to lie again by saying excuses that actually weren’t true. Krishia knew that Nate had a girlfriend but her mind was kinda ignoring the facts for some time. Until now, she simply got hit and reality check knocked her out last night.

She was just thankful that today was Tuesday. She didn’t have a Research class and she didn’t have to skip class just to avoid seeing Nate and Katie. Well maybe her super-duper hot girlfriend would be tagging along with him, she assumed.


Nate finally wasn’t confused anymore. Well, yeah, Nate was already sure about what he was feeling for more than a week now. He wasn’t two-timing Krishia and Katie. It wasn’t like that although it looked and seemed like it.

Katie never understood, clearly, she chose not to understand Nate and the boys’ situation. Nate loved Katie and he had proven that to her for many times already. But Katie went and distanced herself. Nate persuaded her in every way he could. Nate ordered her tulip flowers and chocolates as gift for their 3rd monthsary. Nate never ever had forgotten her not even for a single day. He sent her messages. He was e-mailing her every time. Nate called Katie a thousand times already. But Katie kept herself out of reach. Katie never replied, never called, never texted, she never picked up. Never!

But unexpectedly, Katie sent him a message one day. She told him that she wanted to end their relationship because it obviously wasn’t working anymore. At that time, Nate was already noticing Krishia’s charm, her wit, her sweetness and the goodness in her but he tried his best to give no meaning to his fascination towards Krish. Cause He still felt something for Katie.

It wasn’t that easily erasable after all. He also became happy with Katie when they were together. She was very down-to-earth even though she belonged to the social elites of the community. Katie McGregor loved him too. But in some way, she didn’t have the heart to understand Nate, what he loved to do, and what he needed to do.

Nate didn’t want to just throw away what they had. But it deeply bruised him because for Katie it was just so easy to dump everything behind. The thought of her not even giving it a try, just wasn’t acceptable. There, he couldn’t just let himself think that everything was still okay. Nate in the end admitted that maybe Katie was right, that it just wasn’t working out for both of them. He finally accepted that fact.

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