Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 27

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Chapter 27- The Night of Challenge!

November 3, 20XX

Are you sure, you girls, don’t really wanna come?

Nate texted Krishia, he was inviting her and the girls to come and meet with him and the boys at Pub 401.

Krishia: It’s our girls’ bonding night, I’m sorry. Maybe next time :)

Nate sighed. He was hoping that he could be with Krish, he missed her already. The last time he saw her was in her house on All Saints’ Day. Nate then absentmindedly smiled remembering the event of the night before All Saints’ Day, which was the Halloween party.

“Is that Katie?” Drake asked him while he was typing on his phone.

“No, why?” Nate said while looking at Drake in the car’s rearview mirror, Drake was driving them to the pub. Actually Drake was the one who suggested having a night jam because he told him he got an announcement to make.

“You were smiling like an idiot while reading your message.” Layne answered who was seating at the front together with Drake. Nate was on the back seat with their butler and Mr. Wellington.

“Oh it was just my sister Rachelle telling something funny.” Nate answered quickly; it was not that he didn’t want to tell his mates about Krish and him but it was not the right place. He was planning to tell them later at the pub so everyone would know, and so he could officially court Krish and ask her if she could be his girl.

“Oh I thought it was Katie, is there really no chance for you two to get back together?” Drake asked him.

“No, the two of us are really over and done.” Nate answered as he continued to type his message to Krish. Drake and Layne just nodded at his statement understanding that Katie and Nate would never get back together.

Is that so, hmm anyway enjoy I’ll talk to you later ok?

Nate sent his reply to Krish as Drake parked his car in front of Stanvard’s most popular sumptuous pub, the Pub 401. As Nate got out of the car he saw Exel’s black Porsche and Adrian’s Blue Bugatti Veyron also halting to a stop. Adrian was with his girlfriend Lexy and Exel was with Claire his best friend. The two girls arrived yesterday morning to visit his two mates and it was also safe to say, them too. They also planned to have their weekend spent here at Stanvard.

“Why aren’t the girls with you?” Paul their butler asked as they entered a private room in the Pub.

The private room which Mr. Wellington reserved earlier for them was round and spacious. There were three high round cocktail mini tables at the middle of the room which was surrounded by a lounge couch. The room was a bit dim and hazy but the room temperature was just seamless. It was cozy inside and the air freshener smelled like a strong ripe apple.

“Girls? Girls who??” Lexy asked while giving Adrian a dangerous eagle-eye look.

“The four girls I told you about, with Drake’s childhood friend, remember??” Adrian answered quickly to Lexy’s question.

“Oh yah, the group with Layne’s new red head target?” Lexy asked again looking now at Layne as if wanting him to answer the question.

“Yup that’s them.” Adrian answered with a smile while Layne just nodded his head to confirm Adrian’s answer.

“Are they pretty?” Nate then heard Claire asked Exel.

“Yeah they are but you are much prettier.” Exel said to a blushing Claire. Exel was secretly in love with his best friend, it was a secret Exel made known to Nate.

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