Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- The Big News!

Stanvard City, September 7, 20XX

Krishia was not yet up for bed again. As usual, she was doing her routine work every midnight, checking out new gigs and news of her favourite boy band, The Time. She was certainly hoping that the band would have a homecoming concert here in Stanvard. The boys seemed to have ditched and forgotten Stanvard City when in fact it was the place where most of them grew up. Well, she understood their position. The boys got millions of fans all over the world which made them a big hit and in demand even more. Even though she thought they had forgotten, she still considered the idea that one day they would still remember.

Krishia never appeared to figure out why she got addicted or she was just too ashamed to admit it to herself as to why she got smitten. Actually, she was not that type that gets hooked and she was not really into boy band stuffs. She was in point of fact only interested to one of the members, Nate Z.

While making her favourite coffee chocolate smoothie, she heard an alert tone coming from her laptop. Someone had left her a message. She wondered who it might be because in that hour of the night she assumed that everybody she knew were already sleeping. She poured smoothie in a clear crystal glass and she went to check who the sender was.

She got a bit surprised to see that it was Kim, and now Kim was trying to connect with her through video call. Krishia reached for her headphones and plugged it in her laptop. She then answered the call.

“Hey Kim, why so suddenly? Is something wrong?” Krishia wondered.

“Nothing, I am just amazed of how persistent you are in stalking that singer boy,” Kim teased as she smiled at Krishia.

“Well hey, I’m not stalking him, I’m just checking some things out and no one would call that stalking. You’re a meanie Kimmie!” Krishia a bit irritated took a sip from her drink aiming to quench her thirst.

“Yeah, yeah whatever you say. Anyway I just finished studying and I just happen to have noticed that you’re still online. And I figured you’re doing your same old stuffs again. And guess what, I’m apparently right.” Kim paused for a while to convene her thoughts. “I’m just pondering. No biggie but don’t you ever get tired Krish? Have you not yet realized that everything between you and your singer boy is way impossible? Or is it that you don’t know the word impossible?” Kim sighed in disbelief. “And in fact that ungrateful singer boy you’re obsessing about already has a girlfriend. Come on girl you are more than that. Grow up and GO TO SLEEP. Goodness, you’re making me worry,” she added blatantly.

“He’s not ungrateful... they’re just busy that’s all,” Krishia countered.

“Oh stop defending him.”

“Anyway Kimmie, you don’t have to worry about me. Okay? I’m all good here. You know what, it’s already late so you go ahead and sleep. We have a big test tomorrow, right? That’s why you need to rest,” Krishia stated trying to convince her friend.

“You need to rest too, you know.”

“Yes, I know that Kimmie. So goodnight and I’ll see you tomorrow. I mean later… Anyway, say goodnight to Cindz and Kla for me if they’re still up. Kisses!” Krishia smiled at Kim and waved goodnight and then ended the video call.

Krishia’s girlfriends didn’t seem to understand her feelings for Nate Z. They thought she was being too obsessed and they wanted to talk her out of her obsession. Krishia, being their friend, acceptably listened to everything they had to say. But every time her friends tried to convince her, they ended up realizing that Krishia’s obsession was rather unbeatable.

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