Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 10

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Chapter 10-Fun Fishing at the Lake!

September 15, 20XX


“Hey guys wakey-wakey!!!” Krishia shouted peeking from the second level of the double deck bed.

Her bestfriends didn’t even bother to wake up from Krishia’s call. So she climbed down the bed ladder and tickled Klarisse who was sleeping on the first deck.

“Stop it Krish. It’s annoying,” Kla remarked.

“I won’t stop until you get your ass up,” Krishia declared with a pestering voice.

“Stop, stop it… you annoying girl.” Kla laughed in between her words, as her drowsiness faded because of Krishia’s tickling.

“I’m awake now. Stop already!” Kla surrendered.

“Good morning.” Krish smiled.

“Whatever.” Kla snivelled. “Just go annoy the two.”

“Oh you bet I will!” Krish replied playfully.

So Krish did everything she did to Kla, tickling and all. Now everybody in the room was all awake and with a complaining tummy.

“You could have cooked breakfast before you bothered us in our sleep,” Cindy commented while she went straight to the kitchen to prepare something for them to eat.

“I’m just really excited, you know.” Krishia smiled.

“Yah, you’re like that you keep on annoying us if you’re excited,” Kim retorted.

“I’m sorry for being such an annoyance.” Krish apologized but still smiling like an idiot.

After they had finished eating their breakfast, one by one the girls showered, and prepared themselves.

“I’m ready,” Krishia announced and the three girls looked at her.

“Well, I’m not,” Cindy pointed out and Krishia’s phone suddenly alerted.

“Oh its Drake…” Krish told her friends.

“What did he say? Is he cancelling our jam?” Kla joshed trying to pester Krish.

“Not really…” Krish smirked.

“He asked if we are ready to go. And I replied YES!!!” Krishia countered.

“Oh you selfish brat!” Cindy commented.

“Well you still have fifteen minutes.” Krishia smiled wickedly. The three girls then went rushing, they clearly had no time. They didn’t like to keep the superstars waiting.

After the girls were all ready, they went whooshing down the stairs.

“If you didn’t tell Drake yes then we’re not running our butts right now Krish, Kim remarked, all annoyed. Krishia just plastered an apologetic smile at Kim’s comment.

“Good morning ladies!” Layne greeted with a bright smile.

The boys were standing beside three cars. Two of which were already familiar with Krishia and Cindy, and the other one was a breath-taking yellow Lamborghini Gallardo.

“Wow, that’s dazzling,” Cindy praised as she eyed the yellow Lamborghini. All the girls got stunned by the car.

“Someone here wants to impress a lady by bringing his luxury car.” Drake teased while exchanging gazes from Layne to Cindz. Cindy didn’t even notice what Drake said, she was still blown away by the sexiness of the car.

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