Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 16

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Chapter 16- Another Day with Him!

September 20, 20XX

Krishia and Nate were again at Krishia’s house doing all the necessary work for their research. They were now working on chapter two, one of the hardest parts of a research study. The two decided that Krishia will be researching and compiling about related studies while Nate would drudge on the related literature.

The two were seated across each other, they were both busy surfing the net for documents they would be using. Krishia also borrowed some books from the S.U. library where they would also get some information and some old research work that they will be using as there guide.

They were like that for about two hours now, they sometimes exchanged ideas. Commented on what they were working on and sometimes one would throw a joke to break the silence but they would eventually go back to what they were doing. But sometimes Krishia would look at Nate’s face when he wasn’t looking. She was amazed on how he looked so handsome even though his face was so serious or even when he creased his forehead when he was thinking.

After a while Krishia got up, Nate looked at her with curiosity evident on his face.

“I’ll just grab some roasted peanut in the kitchen, so we can munch on something while we’re working.” Krishia said.

“Is peanut ok with you? Or you want some cookies or chips?” She added thinking that maybe Nate didn’t want peanuts.

“No peanuts would be fine.” Nate answered her with a smile.

As she went down the stairs she had now a big grin on her face. The one she was trying really hard to not show in front of Nate. Krishia was still high on what Nate told her yesterday. He had missed her. She was so happy. Now her prince was there with her again. Just with her, his presence was only hers to savor.

She got a pack of roasted peanut in shell on the kitchen counter and went back to the library. Before entering the room she made herself relax so Nate would not know how happy and wound up she was on him being there again at her house.

“Hey your phone alerted, I think someone texted you.” Nate said as she entered the library.

She then put down the pack of peanut on the middle of the table where both of them can reach and then she picked her phone and opened the message.

Cindy: Don’t rape him! XD

Krishia suddenly blushed due to bother and embarrassment even though she knew that Nate didn’t have any idea what the message was all about, but still she managed to reply back to Cindz.

I’ll try my best. :D Pray for me! LOL!

“Your blushing, was it your crush who texted, or maybe your boyfriend?” Nate said teasingly.

“No, it’s just Cindz.” She simply answered.

“And I don’t have a boyfriend.” She added so that Nate would not have any chance to ask her what the text was all about. And to let him know that she was perfectly available!

“Oh that’s a shame, are the boys in this town blind to not notice you?” Nate asked her with his signature smile.

“Hmm yah, they’re blind… Very blind.” Krishia answered jokingly and they both laughed. After the laughter died down they continued doing their research work.

After an hour of working, Nate suddenly threw some empty peanut shell to Krish.

“Hey, what was that for?” Krishia seriously asked Nate.

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