Teasers and Introduction

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+++This is a co-authored story.+++


AUTUMN Book- Let's FALL Together!

Krishia Red loves everything about Nate Z, his beautiful voice, the expressions of his eyes and especially his smile. But Krishia is just a college girl who lives an ordinary life while Nate is an icon adored by millions. In turn of events, fate seemed to favor Krishia’s wishes. Their paths finally met again and she’s now ready to make him fall and never forget.

But a childhood friend who once promised to marry Krishia suddenly meddled in between. Is it now impossible for her and Nate Z particularly that her childhood friend turned out to be Nate’s equally good friend?

Will there ever be a chance for them to fall together?

WINTER Book- Winter Chimes and Chills

Everything’s hard for a girl who can’t move on.

They said that time will make you forget, but not for Cindy Lopez. Her heart appears to not know when to stop loving Ethan, her ex-boyfriend. No matter what pain she feels, she lingers on the thought of loving him even though Ethan clearly ended the romance between them.

Layne Williams is the crowds’ favourite. He’s known for his pure good looks and talent. Layne’s the playboy supercilious type who knows what he wants and gets it.

But not this time though, Cindy Lopez changed the game for him. He’s out of control now and ends up being captivated by a girl who can’t even distinguish love from foolishness.

SPRING Book- One Spring Night

Kimberly Su always had been a boring girl. But she’s fine with it. For her, her life is perfect.

On the day of Kim and her lover’s 5th year anniversary, her boyfriend asked Kim for just a single gift… He asked Kim for his freedom.

Kim’s perfectly good life turned to be completely meaningless. She found nothing worth living for in her life anymore. One day, on a fair afternoon, Kim decided to end her life and all the bullsh*** that came with it. She was ready to die. But death was not yet ready for her.

Gabriel Adams stopped her. A man she never knew. He’s a man who’s clearly an opposite of Kim’s boringness. He is outrageous and outgoing.

Will Kim and Gab complement each other? Or will their differences just annoy them and keep them apart?

SUMMER Book- Falling In Love with Mr. Summer!

Klarisse Yu is the world’s denial princess.

Deny here, Deny there, Deny everywhere. That’s how it’s been for her.

Its summer and unexpectedly she met a man that gets in her nerves, but surprisingly he turns out to be the only person who can come across her defences which even her friends can’t figure out.

Why is she all cosy and unguarded when it comes to this man? Is it because she feels secure and he’s a man with mature words? Or is Kla’s heart starting to fall for him?

“No, it can’t be! He’s my professor!”

Introduction- The Friendship!


Three years had passed since Kla, Cindz, Kim and I, Krishia became friends. It was an eventful day which I would never forget.

That morning I was so excited because the very next day would be my first day in college so I planned for a shopping marathon. In the afternoon it was sunny and I forgot my umbrella and how I cursed that day.I hated the feeling of the scorching sun on my skin so I restedon a shaded part of a building and tried to spot someone I know who probably had an umbrella.

Feeling hopeless of finding one, I heard a bunch of guys laughing as if they were making fun of someone. And as if on cue, I heard a girl shriek. I tried to find where the noise was coming from it was a few meters from where I was standing. And to my resent they were standing under the heat of the sun.

I hate the feeling of wanting to help her and I was reluctant on going, but when I heard the girl's trembling voice I pushed away that thought and marched across those boys and shouted.

“What the heck! Don’t you have anything to do!” Those bullies just looked at me. There were three boys and they wore extremely big shirts on and silver coated blings wrapped around their necks.

“Find someone your own size to mess with!” I continued shouting while pointing my forefinger at the one standing nearest to the girl. His face was loathsome. A band aid was pasted on his left cheek, a cover for a wound he might have gotten from fighting... all of them looked reckless and up to no good anyway. I looked at the girl, she was looking at me thankfully and then the boys slowly retreated as if not wanting to catch attention from the crowd.

“Thank you so much!” She said while slowly getting herself fix. “How can I repay you?” She added, and then my eyes went to her slightly open bag and saw an umbrella, while a smile was slowly creeping on my face I said.

“You can share me your umbrella?” We both laughed after what I said and she offered to buy me lunch.

We went straight to a burger house across the street. Standing in front of the counter while staring at the menu board she suddenly asked,

“Hey what kind of burger do you want……… , oh damn I didn’t get your name.” She ranted while I was laughing out loud.

“Yah.” I said in between my laughs, “Krishia Wanda Red, you?” I said while still smiling,

“Cindy Lopez but you can call me Cindz.” She said with a bright look in her face. After getting our orders, we sat and started talking.

“Really, thanks for saving me from those bullies, I just got here yesterday. I just enrolled at Stanvard Unicollege, and I decided to roam around and maybe those boys perceived that I was new so they picked on me.” I looked at her with my eyes bulging,

“Oh my ghad! We will be school mates!!! I also just enrolled yesterday I will be taking BS Accountancy, how about you?” I said with enthusiasm as I dramatically held my hands up and placed it on my chest.

“Really? Wow! My friends and I are taking the same course. Let's meet up tomorrow I’ll introduce you to my friends.”

From then on we’ve been group of four girls, Cindz the gorgeous damsel in distress, Kim the boring one but I love her, Kla the denial princess and yours truly, Krishia and the rest was history.

Kisses!! :)

Friendship and the Four Seasons: AutumnWhere stories live. Discover now