Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 33

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Chapter 33- Five Pieces of Charms

“So, what was that all about?” Kim instantly asked in a dangerously calm voice after the shutting of the door was heard inside the dorm room.

“Nothing.” Krishia said dismissively as she sat herself on the sofa. Drake dropped them off at the dorm after they bought all that they would need for the dance. Not a single word about what happened earlier was heard until now.

“Don’t tell us that crap!” Kla said yelling towards Krish. She just sighed in defeat; she had hidden things to her besties so she couldn’t blame Kla for shouting at her, she had every right to.

“Sorry.” Kla said as she seated herself beside her. Krish looked at Kla and smiled weakly. She looked at Cindy who positioned herself at her right and lastly Kim who sprawled down at her front. Kim was holding her hands squeezing it lightly, Cindy put her hand across her shoulder and Kla was gently rubbing her back.

She wanted to cry, not from the hurt Nate gave her, but thinking of what she’d done to deserve friends like them. But not even a single tear escaped her eyes. It was drained from crying over and over because of HIM.

“Krish? Please?” Cindy spoke for the first time since they arrived at the dorm.

“It was all lies. Nothing was real.”

The three girls just looked at her waiting for her to tell more and she did. Krish started recounting to her besties all of what happened. From the night Nate stop texting her to the day she saw him with Tasha up to today, not a single detail omitted. Yes, even Drake’s declaration of his love to her.

“That bastard, just because he’s a superstar he can do anything he wants. Hurt any girl’s feeling, and ghad his friends with Drake your childhood friend can’t he even consider that fact before playing with your feelings.” Kla full of anger said.

“Drake knows all of these, right? That’s why he didn’t say anything earlier when we saw Nate.” Kim said in a much calmer voice while Cindz just shook her head, anger and dismay were clearly written all over her face.

“Yes he knew.” She answered her friends but Krish was just looking at her hand. Memories of what Nate did come flashing back, she felt miserable. “I should have listened to you guys. Your right I’ll end up crying and broken.”

“Don’t be like that. We saw how happy you were with him. Even the three of us didn’t see that coming after what he showed you.” Kim and Kla nodded their heads in agreement on what Cindz said.

“What do you plan to do now?” Kim asked.

“I don’t know.” She answered, frustration clearly heard from her voice. “I know I can’t avoid him with him being my classmate and him being Drake’s band mate.”

“Ghad I wanna literally kill him.” Krish couldn’t help but smile on what Kim said. Kim then jokingly added. “Or would you prefer me to bury him alive?”

“Whatever Kim!” Kla exclaimed as a chuckled laughed was now heard inside the room.

All of them just decided to drop the subject for now. They didn’t wanna end a very beautiful day of shopping with some drama. He was not just worth it, Krishia thought. The four of them then just talked about what would happen at the dance, Kla was giving them some hint on what to expect, privileges of being in the student council. After a while Krish now felt tired from all the shopping they had done and it was also starting to get dark outside.

“I should be heading home guys, it’s starting to get dark.”

“You want us to walk you home?” Kla sincerely asked.

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