Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Ms. Excited!

Krisha went straight to her besties’ room while her heart was still beating so fast from excitement. She started to quietly knock on the door but she couldn’t take it anymore.


She knocked on the door so hard.

“KIM, CINDZ, KLA! Wake up!" she shouted, simultaneously feeling sorry for Mr. Robinsons for not keeping her word. “KLAAAAAAAA! Come on open this door! It’s me Krishia!”

“COMING! Stop slamming the door Krish!” Krishia heard Cindz' irritated voice. She then plastered a wide grin on her face while the door slowly opened.

A bright morning Cindz!” she greeted her enthusiastically.

The sun is not even up yet.” Cindy observed in a dreamy irritated state. Krishia almost laughed, but she stopped herself.

“It’s because it’s already autumn. So day time tends to become shorter, you know,” Krishia teased.

The three girls, Cindy, Kimberly and Klarisse were from Madeleine, a town two hours away from Stanvard City. They had stayed in the dormitory ever since they entered the Unicollege while Krishia was living with her parents a block away from the school building. The dorm room, which the three girls occupied, was complete with all amenities and had a large space for the three of them; it was an apartment style room.

“How did you even get here?” Cindy asked, “Visiting hour is still an hour to go,” she continued.

“You know how Mr. Robinsons love the coffee at Sweet Corner, I always see him having one so I bought him an Americano and he gladly let me in,” Krishia explained.

“And we, your so called friends didn’t have any from you,” Cindy said in a bored expression but a smile was slowly forming on the side of her lips. “Now tell me, why are you even here?” she asked Krishia.

“Wait, this is big news, so go wake them up first, so I will not repeat this again and again and again like I usually do.” Krishia squealed excitedly.

“Yah, yah, yah, yah,” Cindy uttered while rolling her eyes. “Klarisse, Kimberly we have a problem, someone irritating is here. Don’t let me absorb all the suffering here,” she remarked as she marched to the direction of their bedroom. The bedroom was very spacious it had two double deck beds so sometimes Krishia spends the night at the dorm.

“Krish? What happened on earth and you’re early? I thought I’m the early bird here,” Kla questioned as she was standing at the bedroom door in her pajamas.

“Did you even sleep Krish? I’ve called you 2:30 in the morning and now you’re here? At what?” Kim looked up at their wall clock. “Six a.m.??? Seriously???” Kim started lecturing her while twitching her eyes and sighing in disbelief.

Krishia just ignored her friend’s lecture. “I have great news to share to you girlfriends!” she stated with a big smile on her face, excitement was clearly showing. “Drake tweeted last night about The Time going back here in Stanvard,” she said animatedly.

Oh I can now look at that angelic face, and stare at his beautiful eyes. Krishia daydreamed again.

“Really? For what reason?” Cindy asked disturbing Krishia on her dreamy state.

“Well, I don't know. Drake said on his tweet that they can’t tell why for now,” Krishia answered.

“I thought those boys forgot about this town after they became famous, and now they’re coming back,” Kla commented with a questioning look on her face. “That’s interesting. Oh so you’re here to tell us that Nate will be here in town, that’s why you’re so excited?” she added with a smirk, as if just realizing what the fuzz was all about.

“That’s right,” Krishia confirmed while sipping her now cold coffee. She put her styro cup on the kitchen counter which was just across the sofa. “There’s a big possibility that Nate and I will cross paths now that he'll be staying here in Stanvard City together with his mates.” She spelled out for them in a matter-of-fact tone.

“As if that boy would even notice you,” Kim interrupted while she brewed coffee for the three of them.

Krishia wanted to roll her eyes. Kim’s such a downer. But she was happy and nothing, yes definitely nothing, could bring her down that day.

“It’s just impossible Krish. If I know, he could not even remember that your eyes met,” Kla added on Kim’s sentiment. “And that was ages ago,” she continued.

Krishia told her friends all about the experience she had with Nate, if you could call that as such.

“I don’t care,” Krishia retorted back. “If I’ll see him again, which definitely I will, I’ll make sure that he will never forget again this pretty face.”

The three girls burst out laughing.

“That’s what I like about you. Your confidence,” Cindy told Krishia in between her laughs.

Krishia glared at the three of them but after a few moments, she joined them. Krishia continued babbling about how excited she was. She cited situations of possible encounters with Nate. The room was filled with rowdy laughter for hours.

After all the giggling and cheers, Kim started cooking breakfast for all of them while Cindy took a shower.

“Krish, did you study for our Advance Accounting long quiz?” Kla asked Krishia.

“I don’t have to. I already got the hang of it. It’s just a matter of knowing who the buyer or seller is and using the right rate, whether to use the spot rate or the exchange rate. Nothing really too complex.”

“It will just rumble in our brains if we study it all over again,” Cindy interrupted while coming out of the bathroom.

"I know right!” Krishia agreed.

“Breakfast is ready! You girls eat first, I’ll take a shower. It’s almost nine thirty,” Kim announced and she directly took her towel and headed to the bathroom.

After an hour, the girls were ready to leave.

“Come on guys, its ten thirty already. We’re going to be late,” Kla yelled.

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