Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-There You Are! :p

“Come on guys, get your butts up! Let’s go to our next stop.” Exel excitedly said.

“Where are we going next?” Cindz asked addressing her question to the boys.

“It’s a surprise, for sure all the foods we ate will be consumed there.” Layne answered.

“Just make sure that we would have so much fun.” Kim said smiling, enjoying every second of her time with the boys and her girlfriends.

“Don’t worry it’ll be fun.” Nate said as they started to prepare themselves to leave.

On their way to the boys’ cars, Cindy suddenly approached her besties with a pleading look at her face.

“Girls please don’t let me ride again with Layne, he’s crazy, and I can’t handle him anymore.”

“Why? What did he do?” Kla asked with a mischievous smile.

Before Cindz could answer Kla’s question Layne suddenly appeared beside her.

“What did who do? Anyway, sweetcake where are you going, my car is over there.” Before Cindz can protest, Layne got hold of her right hand and gently pulled her to the direction of his Lamborghini.

Cindz eyed her three friends, giving them the message of ‘HELP’, but her girlfriends just mouthed to her the words ‘SORRY’ and ‘ENJOY’.

Kim, Kla and Krishia were now heading to Drake’s car with smiles on their faces. They knew that Cindz would really be pissed off with them, but who care it was fun seeing her being frustrated sometimes. And they were hoping that maybe Layne could help her to start opening her heart again.

“Having fun girls?” Drake asked them as they were seated in his car.

“Yes, very much!” Kla answered, as Krishia and Kim nodded in agreement.

“Next stop will be much more fun.” He added.

“Let’s see.” Krishia said daring him to really prove to them if it was true.

They had driven for fifteen minutes still talking about those fishes they caught at the lake. As they halted to a stop, they were amazed to see Layne’s car, now parked at the front gate of some property the girls were not familiar with. Krishia, Kim and Kla eyed each other a questioning look, and as if knowing that it was a good sign they just shrugged.

“What is this place?” Kim asked.

“I know this is still Stanvard, but we really don’t go roaming around this part.” Krishia said while thinking what that place could be.

Drake told them not to get out of the car as they would just park it inside; they were just waiting for Nate’s group to arrive, Layne called him that he already talked to the people in charge. A few minutes later the boys arrived and they now entered a playing field.

“Oh a paintball field!” Krishia excitedly exclaimed as she saw the sign now in her line of sight.

“This would be fun!” Kla added.

Getting out of the car, they approached Cindz which was now carrying a more relaxed face.

“This is cool, I’ve always heard about this with the boys on our class.” Cindz said with a smile.

Krishia was not paying attention to her friends, she was looking Nate’s car as the boys were now going out.

“Where is Adrian?” Krishia was startled with Kim’s sudden question. She diverted her gaze from Nate to the boys and confirmed what has Kim said, Adrian was not there.

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