Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 28

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Chapter 28-A Man She Didn’t Know

November 5, 20XX

“Krish, what’s wrong?” Cindy asked with a really bothered voice. Krishia twisted her head to look at Cindy.

“Um, nothing. Why?” Krishia answered with perplexed look on her face.

Well, she clearly didn’t know what to say. But Nate had been really withdrawn for two days now. No text messages. No good mornings. No good nights. And no what are you doing Krish. Nothing at all!

“Nothing? Really girl? Huh?” Cindy raised her brow and a sound of mistrust was evident in her tone.

“Yup.” Krishia answered trying not to look into Cindy’s eyes. Krishia pulled her feet together as she was sitting on the stool and continued making sandwiches for their lunch.

“Oh yeah. Nothing’s wrong.” Cindy’s sarcasm was driving as she placed her hand above Krishia’s busy hands.

“Then stop making the bread the filling. What are you trying to do? Bread sandwiched by eggs??” Cindy said as she made Krishia realize what she had been making.

Krishia got shocked when she looked at the plate, sliced bread in between two sunny side-up eggs. Just great!

Yeah, she admitted to herself, she was bothered, well more than bothered in fact. She badly wanted to know what was wrong. And there was nothing she could do but wait till it was time for her research class. Nate didn’t even make an effort to reply to her greetings. And she was just too shy to ask him why through messages.

“I just thought this would be great for a change.” Krishia smiled at Cindy.

“Too much carbs girlfriend. Kim would kill us.” Cindy winked at her and helped Krish fix their lunch.

“Nate problem?” Cindy broke the silence again. She was eager to know, Krish realized.

“Not really…” Krishia felt reluctant to tell Cindy about it.

“Hey I’m hungry.” Kla exclaimed as she suddenly appeared into their kitchen. A great escape, Krish sighed in relief.

“Just in time.” Cindy smiled. She was now down to the last sandwich to fiddle. “Krish tried to sabotage our lunch.” She added as she carried the plate of sandwiches to the dining table.

Krishia stood up, got the pitcher of apple juice, and strode her way to her friends’ dining area.

Krishia had been quiet all the while they were eating, not a single word came from her. She would just nod, shrug and smile.

“I gotta go guys.” Krish announced after she took the last bite of her sandwich.

“See you later at class.” She smiled at her friends and said goodbye.

“Ok. See yah.” Kim uttered who was still busy eating. Kla said her goodbye too and Cindy just eyed Krishia with that mistrustful look again.

Krish walked her way to school and headed to the girls’ restroom. While she was putting pressed powder on her face, she tried to remember things that she might had done wrong. But she couldn’t think of any. Nate spent All Saints’ Day together with Krishia’s family and there had been no problem at all. They pretty much had fun and Nate seemed really happy… but why was Nate not getting in touch with her anymore. Krishia’s mind was now full of thoughts of worry. She just couldn’t make herself stop thinking of undesirable and depressing things.

She hurriedly strode to her classroom. Krishia hoped that Nate would be early, but as she peeked from the glass window, Nate was visibly wasn’t there yet. She looked at her Esprit watch and saw that only ten minutes remained before the class would start.

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