Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 21

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Chapter 21- Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Hey Krish :) what are you doing?

Nate tried texting Krish again, he was a little anxious because she didn’t reply at his morning greeting a while ago, which never happened before. He then sighed deeply thinking that maybe Drake and his mother were now at her house.

“For sure Cindz is now really pissed off.” Kla suddenly said getting Nate out of his thoughts.

They were preparing a surprise birthday bash for Cindy. Actually it was all Layne’s idea, but the bast*** was not there. He was the one assigned to go distract Cindz while they were preparing at their house or as the girls call it ‘their mansion’.

“Oh sure she is. You just ran off leaving her a sticky note posted on the ref’s door.” Exel said laughing while he and Adrian were fixing the banner. “And turning off your cell phones.” Adrian added.

“And no one of you girls even greeted her a happy birthday.” Nate added to the girls' list of faults. “We know we’re mean, but for sure her bad mood will be all worth it when she sees this.” Kla said with a smile as she started to decorate the living room with balloons and confetti’s of the colors of lavender and light blue.

Kla and Kim were there for a while now, the two girls left a sleeping Cindy with just a sticky note to tell her that they would be out. They then met up with Adrian, Exel and Nate. Drake’s mom just arrived that morning. He promised her mom that they will visit Krish and her family. But Drake promised the others that they will be there after lunch and before Layne and Cindz, the birthday girl, arrives.

“Let’s just hope that Layne can entertain her even for a while.” Adrian said.

After an hour or so they were almost finished decorating the room when suddenly Exel’s tummy grumbled.

“Hmm, I think I’m gonna check Kim and Steve in the kitchen.” Exel said with an awkward smile. Steve was their house cook and Kim obviously was helping him preparing the foods. It was their expertise anyway.

After a while Kim and Exel got back to the living room bringing a huge pizza and a pitcher of ice tea. “Yum, it looks delicious Kim.” Adrian said eyeing the pizza dangerously. “For sure it tastes much better.” Nate added as he grabbed a slice.

Kim prepared a huge round pizza with chicken breast sliced thin, then some bacon bits, red onion, mozzarella cheese and drizzled with barbeque sauce. Yum!

“Don’t eat too much guys, the dishes Steve and I prepared for the main event are more mouthwatering.” Kim said positioning herself on the carpet where all the materials were still scattered. “Sure it will.” Adrian said with a mouth full of pizza.

After finishing the large pizza they then got back to their work while Kim went back to the kitchen. Kim said that she will be finishing decorating the cake she had baked earlier.

“Perfect!” Kla exclaimed as she assessed the work they had done. “Layne owes us big time for this.” Nate said jokingly but he was happy that he had helped in preparing the surprise for Cindz. Cindy and the three other girls had been great friends with them for the month of their stay in Stanvard. They laughed as they gave each other high fives for their master piece.

The boys’ living room was now decorated with balloons and confetti’s, they moved the sofa set and center table to the sides to have a dance floor effect. And their big plasma TV was covered by a ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ banner.

“Wow guys you did all this??” A sweet playful voice then said from behind them. Nate turned his head and saw a beautiful looking Krish who was eyeing the decoration they had made. “Isn’t it just great?” Kla said as she walked to Krishia's direction and gave her a peck on the cheek.

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