Autumn Book- Let's FALL together!, Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-The Departure

City of the Stars, September 06, 20XX

“Don’t you think it’s all too sudden Mr. Brooke? Our fans will ask as questions as to why we’re going back to Stanvard. What will we say to them if you wouldn’t even want us to let them know?” Drake looked up to their manager, eager to get answers from him. “And surely our fans will not settle with not knowing why and you undeniably know that,” he added.

Mr Brooke crossed his arms in front of his chest and sighed.

“It’s only for a while Drake. As much as possible you have to keep your silence until everything is already figured out. This is all for your sake boys.” His eyes paved across all the band members. “I know you owe so much to your fans but we can’t afford to let them know why we’re sending you back to your hometown.” Mr. Brooke explained to them.

“What about the press? They will all be too nosey. You know how meddlesome they are,” Exel remarked.

“Boys, all we’re asking you is not to talk. All other matters will be taken care of by the whole management. So relax and chill,” he clarified trying to make the boys feel at ease with all the sudden exposé. “Plus, this will be a chance for you to loosen up a bit. You are all stressed out. I am also stressed out. This is a perfect time for a break. As a matter of fact, it’s a chance for you to go back to school and improve your knowledge. Everything is already arranged for you guys,” Mr. Brooke expounded.

The boys kept their silence. The looks on their faces showed that they didn’t know how to respond to what their manager had just said.

All of a sudden a phone rang and it broke the silence that lingered in the room for quite some time, “I’m afraid I have to take this call,” Mr. Brooke excused himself and went out at once.

“So everything’s been planned, huh?” Exel brought out a large sigh. “I guess that’s it then. They’re throwing us out!” Exel said sharply.

“I don’t think that’s it Exel, it’s a large mess and we all know what happened. They’re the boss here and they know what they’re doing. Mr Brooke wouldn’t lie to us. People love us and they know that for a fact,” Adrian refuted Exel’s remarks, trying to clear his mind.

“I miss Stanvard. I don’t think it’s a bad idea at all,” Nate said, unminding any criticisms he might get from his mates.

“Come to think of it, Nate is right. Stanvard is our hometown,” Drake uttered in agreement.

“Your hometown, not mine,” Layne butted in. “But if there are hot red heads then I guess it’s my hometown too.” Layne laughed at his remark and the boys came laughing too.

“You won’t be disappointed, I assure you,” Adrian bragged.

“Oh a change of mood, huh boys? That’s good.” Without a warning, Mr. Brooke entered the room. “So what’s the laughter all about?” Mr. Brooke questioned not waiting for any reply. “Anyway, I came back to tell you guys that your flights are already booked. You’ll be leaving next week, Monday, September ten,” he announced. “As I’ve said everything’s already taken care of, we already talked to all people concerned. The place you’ll live in, check. School, check. Rides, check. Butler or nanny, whatever, check. Everything check. They’re just waiting for your five butts to get there, boys.” Mr Brooke said offhandedly as he sat down on his executive chair. “But, I forgot to tell you that one administrator was tasked to come with you to Stanvard. He’ll be in charge for your whole stay there. Okay? I’ll let him meet you some other time. But I guess that’s it for today. You may all go.”

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