Chapter 31

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My phone rang, waking me up from a deep sleep. I leaned over to where it was charger on the dresser and answered it.

"I know this is a huge favor but I need you to pick me up at the police station in Minden," Lilli pleaded through the phone.

That's like a forty-five minute drive.

"I don't have my car, I'll have to wake my cousin up" I said groggily as everyone was waking up from the call.

"You're the best, I'll explain when you get here."

"No problem and you better" I told her before hanging up.

"Thank you!"

I opened the door of the room, but ran into a chair a long the way and woke Taylor and Grace. I walked out of the room and down the hall to Hannah's room. I opened the door without even knocking and shook Hannah awake.

"What do you want?" Hannah asked.

"My friends are at the prison in Minden and they need a ride but I don't have a car with me" I explained to Hannah and she got out of bed.

"Let's go then" she said while grabbing her keys.

"We're going too" Taylor spoke for him and Grace.

Grace and Taylor sat in the back and I sat in the passenger seat while Hannah drove. It was a pretty long ride and I bit my nails the whole way, anxious with the situation.

We eventually arrived at the police station and all of us got out of the car. I walked through the door and saw Lilli and Harry waiting for us. I ran in to Lilli's arms, giving her a hug.

"What the hell happened?" I asked Lilli and then turned to see Grace staring at Harry.

"He proposed after we jumped off a bridge then realized it was private property," she explained while glaring at Harry and he just smiled at her. "Thanks for coming to get us, is she alright?" She pointed to Grace and furrowed her eyebrows.

"She's a fan" I whispered to her with a small laugh. "Grace, this is my best friend Lilli."

"Hi Grace!" Lilli happily said while hugging her then Harry smiled at her.

"Hi Grace, I'm Harry, it's lovely to meet you," He said.

"H-hi" Grace stuttered out, completely starstruck.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just your everyday normal guy you'd go to school with," Harry told her with a smile. She smiled a little and he kissed her cheek then whispered something in her ear causing her to smile even more.

"So where are you guys staying tonight?" I asked. "And do you have a ride?"

"Well we're staying at my grandmas and you're my ride obviously, I called you," Lilli rolled her eyes with a light laugh and I gave her a tired glare.

"Do you think we could swing by yours first?" Harry asked cryptically and I looked to him.

"Um sure?" I said but it came out as more of a question. "I don't think you mom will mind" I told Hannah and Grace and then realized we had left Keith at the house.

Oh well.

"I wanna meet your family," Harry explained with a smile and Lilli shook her head at him, giving him an odd look.

"It doesn't matter if we can't, he's a weirdo." She said.

"Are you sure?" I questioned with a laugh. "No it's fine, you'll get kick out of my grandparents."

"We can do it vice-versa, you guys can come see our family plus our adoptee Niall," Harry laughed out.

"Are you sure?" Hannah asked. "Because you can come stay with us if you want. I have to go back and get Keith anyways."

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