Chapter 11

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Austin came out to the stage again as Shawn and I went backstage. I saw Melissa screaming her head off. I'll have to introduce those two. I smiled and took out my phone. I texted Lilli and told her to bring everyone back stage.

The concert finished and I was getting ready to see all of my friend. I had told the guards about their visit and they were let right on through.

They finally navigated their way through the halls to find Shawn and I. They all ran up and hugged us.

I saw Lilli tap Melissa's shoulder and point behind me. I turned around to see Austin standing there. Melissa took a step back and fell down. He ran over and helped her up which only made her worse.

Right in that moment all of the magcon boys appeared from behind him. Lilli smiled and ran over to Hayes. You wouldn't think that they would be best friends but hey, anything can happen.

"It feels like it's been forever" Lilli said to me after hugging everyone.

"Yeah, uh can we go talk somewhere in private?" I asked and she nodded.

Here we go again.

"So what's up?" Lilli asked me once we got away from everyone.

"Well." I drew out the word and then paused. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you I just never got the chance. It's kind of weird and I'm not sure if I'm making the right decision. I think I acted to quickly because now I've done damage that I don't think I can undo." I finished and then sighed.

"Kayla you aren't pregnant are you?" she asked, her eyes getting wide.

"Lord no! It's not that big. Well then again it might possibly be." I said.

"You had me scared" She said with a laugh. "So what is it?"

"First thing is Shawn and I are dating." I said and then frowned.

"You two had sex didn't you?" Lilli asked and my eyes went wide.

"No! God Lilli can you focus on something besides pregnancy and sex?" I said with a laugh.

"Sorry it's on my mind." She told me.

"Well isn't that's a nice topic to have on your mind." I said and then shook my head. "But back to the point. Taylor hasn't talked to me since. I'm surprised to say that I still like him and I wish we would've worked out. I know I'm dating Shawn and I like him I really do. I just don't think it's in a relationship kind of way. I just don't know how to let him down without loosing him." I said all in one breathe.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she asked and a look of hurt crept onto my face. "I mean why would you lead one on when you like the other? Haven't you learned from my mistakes!" Lilli yelled and I felt tears stinging at my eyes.

"Woah woah woah. Lead one on? Are you kidding me? Taylor and I still hadn't gotten over our fight or whatever when I left for tour. He hasn't actually had a conversation with me since the dance thing. I didn't see us getting together. I honestly thought he hated my guts. I went on tour with Shawn and started to like him. I thought it might've been a way to get over Taylor, I thought I didn't like him anymore. Shawn asked me out and I said yes. It was in the heat of the moment. I can't believe you actually thought I would lead two guys on like that. It was never my intention. You must think I'm a whore like my mom does!" I yelled and turned away from her.

"You're not a whore. Dammit Kayla you put words in my mouth! I just said that you led one on not both. Shawn, believe it or not you lead him on because you actually like Taylor not him. Look I've been in this situation, break up with Shawn before it's too late and you can't have either of them" she told me, obviously frustrated.

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