Chapter 6

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We finished watching the slideshow and we all were released. Everyone walked to to the main room again. Most of the people had watery eyes, tears stains, or smudged mascara.

Tip on going to a funeral/visitation: don't wear mascara and if you do make sure it's clear.

"Oh gosh I forgot my clutch on the row!" Hannah screamed more than said.

"It's fine. We'll go back and get it." I assured her and then we walked back to the room and grabbed her clutch. When we got back to the open room Lilli and Harry were no where in sight.

"Where's Lilli and Harry?" I asked Cameron quizzically.

"They left right when the slide show finished. They said they had to talk about something?" Cameron asked more than said.

"Oh that's okay. Are y'all ready to go back to the hotel?"

Everyone said yes in unison and we walked out to the truck. I pulled out my keys and started it. Cason, Hannah, Matt, and then Cameron climbed in the back seat in that order. Taylor and I sat in the front seat and we all traveled on our way to the hotel. It's 9:30 now but no one is tired.

I was the last one to get out of the car so I was behind everyone walking to the elevator. They were at the elevator about to get in when I walked past the lobby and the bar across the hall. I walked past the bar and then took a few steps backwards. I did a double take and sure enough I was seeing correctly. Lilli was sipping a margarita alone at the bar. I walked back to the elevator where my friends were waiting on me.

"Go on up to the room. I'll be up later."

"But Kayla-" Taylor tried to stop me and ask questions but I cut him off.

"Go to the room. I'll tell you later."

The elevator doors closed and I was left standing alone. I walked into the bar and found an empty seat beside Lilli. She looked up from her drink with wide eyes but then realized it was me.

"Hey Kayla." She said in a monotone voice and then sighed. I could tell something was wrong.

"What's the matter?" I asked her and she sighed again then spoke.

"Long story."

With that I figured we'd be here a while and I'd get thirsty. I pulled out my fake ID remembering I was 16 and handed it to the bartender.

"Strawberry Margarita please." He nodded, took my money, and made the drink. Minutes later he brought back my drink. I took a sip and then nodded for Lilli to go on.

"Well did you see that picture of Ben and I at the beach?" she asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah why?" I asked and she sighed.

"That was before Harry and I started going out. I barely remember it. It was a year or two ago, I was in Miami with some friends. Anyways I don't even remember it that well, but I had sex with Ben that night. I was his first, and I didn't even remember it. Harry got mad, and that's a long story. So yeah, I decided to come in here" she told me then ordered another drink.

"Well if you forgot, doesn't that mean you were drunk? It could've been an accident?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Sex can't be an accident" she told me as the bartender gave her the cosmopolitan.

I looked at her confused.

"It wasn't this time. I did it to get over a guy, I feel so guilty. How was I supposed to know it was his first?" she added and then took another sip of her drink.

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