Chapter 17

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"Bye Connor" Taylor and I waved to him as we each got in our cars and drove away.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Taylor asked, squeezing my thigh with his hand that wasn't on the steering wheel.

"I was thinking we could go back to the hotel for a while?" I said and he looked at me confused but did as I asked.


"Sooo what now?" Taylor asked while pacing around the hotel room.

"We need to talk" I said.

"Oh God, you're breaking up with me aren't you?" He asked and I just laughed.

"No, definitely not. It's a lot bigger than that" I told him and his eyes got wide.

"Then what?" He asked, his face turning pale.

"Babe, I'm pregnant" I said and he froze before laughing.

"Sweetie, you've got to quit trying to make it real. I know how bad you-" he started rambling but I cut him off.

"I'm serious. The lady found it in the ultrasound and said there must've been a mistake in Oregon because this is real. Taylor, this is happening" I told him.

He froze in his tracks before a huge smile formed on his face. He ran over to me and picked me up off the ground in a huge hug before putting me down quickly. He dusted off my stomach with his hand. "Oh my God, I'm sorry. Is it okay? Oh my gosh"

"Taylor it's okay stop worrying" I giggled and he blushed.

"You're gonna be a great mom."

"And you'll be a great dad."


5 months later

"Wake up, our flight leaves today" Taylor lightly shook me and I crawled out of bed.

We were flying back to California after touring a week in New York.

"I'm so excited to see everybody" I said even though it hadn't been that long since the last time I saw them.

I threw on a white tribal print sweater, denim cutoff shorts, and galaxy vans. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and brushed my teeth before grabbing my suitcase.

"Lets bounce" Taylor said walking out the door.

"Boing boing" I said and couldn't help but laugh.

After walking down some halls, going down an elevator and through some doors we made it to the rental car Taylor and I had been using. We made it to the airport after 10 minutes and called someone to pick up the car.

"Now boarding flight 672" a voice called out over the intercom and Taylor and I stood up.

We were sitting in our seats for about an hour when my phone went off indicating a twitter notification. We were already able to turn our phones back on so I unlocked my phone and clicked on the twitter app, I had a message.

Number please! Was all the message said and it was from the one and only Tyler Oakley. I had a silent fangirl session before sending him my number.

Unknown- I'd love to work on a colab YouTube video with you.

I realized the number was Tyler's so I saved it before I answered.

Me- Sounds great, where could we meet to do it?

Queen👑- I'm in Cali right now sooo

Me- I actually have an apartment there that I'm flying to right now.

Queen👑- great call me when you get there and give me directions

Me- will do

After that he didn't reply so I just locked my phone. Taylor was asleep so I was beyond bored but thank God we were getting close to California.

"Please buckle your seat belts, we will be landing shortly" a flight attendant beamed over the intercom. I shook Taylor and we both fastened our seat belts.

Moments later we landed and I jumped up out of my seat and grabbed Taylor's hand. We got our suitcases as I dragged him behind me, I pushed through people to make sure I was the first one out. Today was Lilli's baby shower and I was gonna try my hardest to not be late.

Taylor and I caught a cab and I rushed him to Lilli's house before paying him and jumping out of the car. I ran up the drive way and barged through the doors to see everyone handing her gifts. I opened my suitcase and pulled my gift out and gave it to her. She smiled and I apologized for being late.

A while later the shower ended. Harry took Lilli somewhere so Taylor and I just went back to my apartment. We watched tv for a little while before I started getting tired.

"It's getting late" I told Taylor and stood up from the couch to stretch.

"Yeah I'm tired. Lets go to bed" he said and we walked into my room.

I changed into a plain black tshirt and a pair of sweatpants and he pulled off his shirt revealing his abs. I shivered at the sight and he laughed before smirking. "Cold?" he asked and I playfully slapped his arm.

I turned the tv on and turned the lights off before crawling into bed. I curled up next to him because I actually was pretty cold.

We hadn't been laying there for 15 minutes yet when I heard the door open and then slam. "Kayla!" A familiar voice yelled throughout the apartment indicating that Lilli had a problem.


a/n: two updates two days in a row holla

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