Chapter 12

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We walked downstairs and went into the bar. I ordered myself a drink as did Lilli and then she started to talk.

"Okay first off your Christmas gift" she said and reached in the pocket of her jeans and handed me a key.

"What's this?" I asked confused.

"It's a key to our apartment" She told me with a smile.

"Our apartment?" I asked with a huge smile.

"Yeah if you're willing to move in and live with me? You can enrol in school if you want or just do it online. There's one catch" She told me with a smirk.

"Wow I can't believe you would do this for me! I love you!" I yelled and jumped over to hug her. I wrapped her in a huge hug but then pulled away. "Catch?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Well first off you have to hang out with Hayes tomorrow, then later that night I have a surprise. The other catch is that well you have to let me keep booze in the apartment and maybe throw a party or two" She told me with a laugh.

"With Hayes it's a done deal. I was already planning on it tonight but now I can't tonight because it's too late but I'll make it up to him tomorrow. Booze, fine but you have to run it by me and can only have so much at a time. You aren't passing out and going crazy on my watch like that first night in Orlando. A party or two is fine but we both have to know the people and you have to be loyal to Harry which means no bringing random guys home when your drunk or doing anything while your drunk with guys at parties" I said, laying down the law.

"I would never cheat on Harry, but while we're on that subject I need to talk to you about something" She said with a frown.

"I know, I was just saying because you never know what you'll do while you're drunk. Oh shit what happened now?" I asked her.

"Uh well you know Lou and I spoke at the dance thing you guys planned" she started and I nodded. "Well there was this whole big thing with the cops and a wedding and uh he's said he loves me, and I'm all he wanted for Christmas. The thing is uh well Lou and Harry were the best of friends before and I tried to get Harry to forget about what happened but he finds it hard." She finished and I sighed.

"Well if someone I was in a relationship with kissed my best friend it would be hard to forget too but I see where you're coming from. You just want everyone back to the way they were. But you've gotta understand both of the boys' stories. Louis can't unlove you. You just don't get over feelings like that. He's tried hiding it hasn't he? He probably regrets it and now that it too late he's telling you so he can cope with he's feelings. It's his since of coping and such. And Harry, well his best friend kissed his girlfriend. What more can I say about that? It's gonna take time. Eventually it'll get better. Harry's a nice guy. He can't stay mad at his best friend forever. He forgave you didn't he? It'll all fall into place sooner or later." I told her and felt a since of wiseness take over me.

I was proud of my words.

"The thing is I had feelings for Lou first and uh well I don't know if they're still there or not" She said in a small voice.

"First? What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Like when I first came to their school, I liked Lou then uh Harry kissed me. That's where it all started with Harry and I" I explained. "The thing is they're in a band and I don't want this to affect it."

"If they perform like they did at the formal it'll be fine. Like I said, Harry can't stay mad at Louis forever. If I need to talk to someone I will. I'll be living with you so I can help sort it out." I assured her.

"No, no I've only told one other person about this. Also just to warn you like Joey, Niall, Harry, Lou, and my friend Clay could show up at random times so before you go around in a towel tell me" She said laughing.

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