Chapter 8

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I woke up around 12.

Oh my God my head is fucking pounding.

I sat up in the bed and rubbed my head. I walked to the kitchen, got some water, then pulled an Advil out of my purse. I put the pill in my mouth and took a swig of the water. The medicine slid down my throat and I looked around the room.

Yep, I'm the only one awake.

I'm not gonna wake anyone up thought because I hate when people wake me up like that.

I quietly went to my suitcase in the bedroom. Nash, Carter, Cameron, ad Matt were all laying around the room knocked out cold. I grabbed a purple tank top with a green sea turtle on the front and some jean shorts. I changed in the bathroom and braided my hair to the right side.

After I got ready I went into the living room. I sat on the couch and flipped through the channels. While I was looking for something to watch there was a knock on the door. I tiptoed over and opened it.

It was Harry.

"Hey Harry. What are you doing here?" I asked inquisitively.

"Hey Kayla. Is it alright if I come in?" He asked politely.

"Yeah sure but be quiet." I said while pointing at all of the sleeping bodies.

We both sat down on the couch and I looked at him waiting to see why he was here.

"So I have a plan." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What kind of plan?" I said scared to see what it was.

"We had a winter formal at our school back in California but Lilli and I weren't able to attend. I want to recreate it but I need your help. You in?" he asked and of course we all already know the answer is yes.

"Of course I'm in!" I exclaimed and he smiled. "Who's all invited?"

"Well I guess anyone that wants to. All of the Magcon people, including you, Hannah, and Cason, and my record label is flying some of our friends from back home out here." He said and I nodded while he spoke.

"So just tell me what I need to do and I'll do it." I said wondering how all of this was going to go down.

"First we need to wake all of these people up." He said while standing up.

"And how are we gonna do that?" I asked with a smirk.

"Like this." Harry said while putting his fingers in his mouth. He whistled loud and then started clapping and yelling. He ran down the hall yelling also to make sure he woke up the people in the bed room.

I laughed as everyone started to sit up. Hannah grabbed a pillow and threw it at Harry. It him in the face and he felt his face with his hand.

"Ouch. What'd ya do that for?" He asked and I laughed again.

"What time is it?" Taylor asked groggily while stretching his arms out and yawning.

"12:30." I answered and then saw Matt, Carter, Nash, and Cameron make their way down the hall. Carter's hair was sticking up and I chuckled.

"Why's Harry here?" Cameron said and Harry looked at him.

"Well nice to see you too." Harry said and rolled his eyes.

"We all have to help Harry with something today." I said and everyone raised their eyebrows. "We have to recreate their winter formal for Lilli." I continued.

"Well then let's get working." Nash said and Harry smiled. Then they headed to get changed.

By the time everyone was ready it was 1:00 pm. We probably don't have a lot of time. I haven't talked to Harry about all of the details yet. We went and packed two cars full. I drove my truck and Harry drove a car he rented. Taylor, Hannah, Matt, and Hayes rode with me. Cameron, Nash, Carter, and Cason rode with Harry.

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