Chapter 7

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I woke up to yelling.

I rubbed my eyes and sit up. I leaned over to check my phone.

12:00 in the afternoon.

"Why'd you guys let my sleep so late?" I asked but then everyone started shushing me.

"We're watching baseball." Nash said and I was a little interested until I got a phone call.

It rang and I looked down to see an unfamiliar number. I walked to the bed room and answered it.


"Hi, Kayla right?"

"Yes. Who is this?" I asked but the voice sounded familiar.

"Jack Gilinsky."

"Oh hey Jack! How'd you get my number?" I'm very confused right now to be honest.

"Taylor. Look I need a favor. You in?"

"Sure I guess. What do you need?"

"This is gonna sound weird but Jack Johnson has a date today and he invited me to double date with him because I kinda told him I have a girlfriend."

"And what does this have to do with me?"

"I don't actually have a girlfriend. I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend on this date. Can you do that? Sorry it's such late notice."

"Yeah sure I guess. Where are we going?"

"I'll have to ask Jack again. Just be ready at 1:00. I'll pick you up at the hotel."

I hung up the phone and then went to get a glass of water.

"Who was on the phone Kayla?" Taylor asked me with that protective side, which i personally love, that always comes out when I talk to someone.

"Jack Gilinsky. Oh yeah that reminds me, he'll be here at 1:00. He's taking me somewhere so I won't be here for a while."

"Do I need to go with you?"

"No Taylor. I'll be fine. He said he needs me to be his fake girlfriend for a double date with Jack Johnson and his girlfriend."

"Kay..." He said a little annoyed. It's not a real date. At least I don't think so.

I looked around and noticed there weren't as many people as before.

"Where's Cameron, Nash, and Cason?"

"Went somewhere with Lilli and Harry." Hannah answered while curled up on the couch with Matt.

So Jack will be here at one. That gives me an hour to get ready. I still can't believe this is happening.

What to wear, what to wear? Ah here it is. I pulled a black and turquoise chevron sleeveless dress that fell right above my knees out of the drawer. I slipped it on, then curled my hair in loose curls and put on light makeup. I wonder where we are going. I hope I'm not over-dressed or under-dressed.

I walked back into the main room and everyone started looking at me. Everybody started throwing questions and comments and I was blushing like crazy. I also noticed Hayes had came over.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Carter yelled.

"Where in the world are you going?" Hannah asked.

"Why are you so dressed up?" Matt asked.

"Wooh it just got a lot hotter in here." Hayes said and I blushed.

"Woah woah woah. Hold up with the questions and let me explain." Everyone got quiet and then I began to speak again.

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