Chapter 21

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Tyler and Taylor walked in and we all smiled at them.

"How's he coming?" Tyler asked as he walked closer and Lilli sighed.

"Too fucking slow" she muttered and her mom raised an eyebrow as she laughed.

"You got that right" I agreed and slumped down in a chair.

"Maybe not so much slower" Dr. Bernt said walking in. "Ms. Humprhies he's about to crown. Everyone but Mr. Styles, Ms. Jones, and Mrs. Humprhies needs to leave."

"Bye" Lilli choked out as they left and I stood up.

"I'll need you all to change into these" he said as he handed us surgical gowns, masks, and gloves. We put them all on as a few nurses came in. Dr. Bernt crouched down in front of Lilli's lady area and she squeezed Harry's hand from pain.

"We're minutes from crowning."

"I'm freaking out, I've never been in this situation before" I said trying to compose myself at the situation.

"Get ready for it Ms. Jones" Dr. Bernt said and Lilli gave out a low groan. "Lilli, you're going to need to push."

Lilli started to push and I tried to look away but I couldn't make myself. Like a train wreck, you don't want to see it but you can't make yourself look away no matter how bad you want to.

"I'm about to witness the gift of life" I mumbled.

"Mother fuck-" Lilli started to yell but stopped. "Oh Jesus Christ! William better be fucking happy!"

She pushed and pushed and Dr. Bernt gasped. "I see a little bit of him."

"Thank god" Harry mumbled and Lilli glared as she pushed a bead of sweat rolling down the side of her face.

She looked like shit. Oh well, it's for her son.

"Oh God, you're gonna need a shower for sure" I said watching the doctor's face, observing how concentrated he was and trying to keep myself from laughing.

This is the worst time I could laugh.

"Oh fuck off, you look beautiful ho-" Harry started but she groaned really loud as she pushed really hard.

"Just two more like that and that's it" Dr. Bernt instructed in a calm voice.

"Fuck off? Would you like her to get in your car and in bed next to you with blood and all of that on her legs?" I asked and stifled back a laugh.

"Yes" Harry responded curtly and Lilli pushed really hard again.

"Could we focus on the bigger picture!" She yelled frustrated with a humourless laugh.

"That's fucking nasty Harry" I laughed out and tried to focus on the bigger picture as Lilli had told us too.

"Oh fuck" Lilli mumbled and pushed really, really hard one more time.

I heard crying and let out a sigh of relief. Make way for William right?

"Would you like to cut the cord?" A nurse asked Harry and he cut it with a sincere look.

"She's going to clean him up one second" the other nurse told me.

No, you're going to leave him just like that.

"He's beautiful Lilli" I told her in awe of the little boy.

The nurse brought Will back and we all looked at him, clean.

"Will" Lilli breathed out as the nurse handed him to her.

She cradled his neck and his hand wrapped around her first finger. It was really hard to not cry, this was beautiful.

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