Chapter 38

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It didn't take long for me to find Louis' new house, and soon I pulled into the driveway. I took my phone out and then dialed Lilli's number, she was being quiet earlier and I didn't want to knock because I didn't know what was going on.

The phone rang a couple of times and then she answered. "Hello."

"Hey, I'm in the driveway. Do you want me to come in or?" I asked.

"I'll just come out, thanks" She hung up and then I saw her run out the door. She jumped into my truck and then looked at me.

"Have you seen Harry?" Was the first thing she asked.

"No, not today. Why?" I responded.

"Making sure he hasn't flipped out because I'm pretty sure I didn't check in with him" She sheepishly admitted as we drove away.

"He'll probably turn up soon enough" I assured her. "I honestly don't even know how I got home last night" I said with a small laugh.

"How the hell I ended up in Louis' new house is beyond me. Do you remember anything?" She asked curiously.

"No, I've tried to remember the whole ride here" I told her.

"Fuck we got hammered" she laughed a little as I parked the truck.

"So what happened at Louis' last night?" I asked Lilli with an eyebrow raised.

"I have a slight idea, but not a full one" Lilli shook her head at herself.

"Well what's your idea?" I egged on with a laugh as we walked through the lobby and then entered the elevator.

"Well I have a theory that my drunken self went to his house. I was supposed to help him move last night so I put two and two" she shrugged a little.

"Wow, so I guess we both woke up at weird places this morning" I added and Lilli laughed at that.

Lilli was about to say something but her phone rang. She answered it with a sigh and I heard a voice yelling. "Lillian Rose Humphries! Where in the hell are you? Runaway one more time, I dare you!" I recognized the voice as Niall's. "So I didn't go back to Louis' last night?" Lilli asked and our elevator stopped and I looked out the door and saw a head of curls standing beside our apartment door. Lilli quickly hit the doors close and then emergency stop, her phone falling out of her hand. She picked it back and spoke up, "You haven't called him have you?" fear was dominant in her voice and I budded into the conversation.

"I have a plan" I said and Lilli listened, waiting for me to explain. "Okay, so we went out to get ice cream and advil for my hangover. Then, if he asks where you were last night I'll just cover for you and tell him that you stayed that night here and that you were looking out for me because I got drunk off my ass."

She hesitantly let the doors open and muttered a quick goodbye to Niall. "Fuck it." Lilli walked down with me and Harry turned his head to us and ran at Lilli. She gulped as his arms wrapped around her body, he squeezed her but she looked somewhat uncomfortable.

"Where were you?" Harry asked, eying the two of us.

"Well, you see I got a little drunk last night and Lilli just took me to get some ice cream and advil for my hangover" I explained and squinted my eyes a bit.

"Where's the bag?" Harry asked and Lilli stayed silent.

"Shit I left the advil in the car. I dropped it and it rolled under the seat so I forgot about it" I said and facepalmed convincingly. "And we went to an ice cream parlor and just ate it there."

"Really, which one?" Harry interogated me and Lilli broke.

"Oh for the love of God I'll talk to you at home. Meanwhile let's go inside and discuss your problem like parents and you and your nemesis as children" She snapped and Harry's eyes widened with every word.

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