Chapter 20

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Everyone's eyes went wide and Harry looked like he was about to faint. He pulled himself together and came to her side.

"Kalya! What do we do?" Tyler yelled and she controlled her breathing.

I composed myself and tried to stay strong for everyone. I was actually about to laugh at Tyler for freaking out the most.

"I'll get a towel, Taylor start my car! Lou, Har, Ty, get Lilli in the truck" I said shortening their names to save time.

They all left and I ran to the bathroom. I grabbed the closet towel I could find and hurried out the door.

"We'll be throwing you away later."

Oh look at me, talking to towels now.

I jammed the button several times before it opened revealing an elderly couple. I had a look of frustration on my face and I clenched the towel in my hand.

"Come on in. You look in a hurry, we can wait" the old woman said and I thanked her with a smile and walked in.

"Yeah my friend is in my truck and she's in labor" they both returned my smile and looked at my stomach.

"You look close too"

"I'll be six months along in two days" I said and the elevator reached the bottom.

"Good luck" they yelled as I ran off while waving.

"They're in the truck, hurry, get to her, and good luck" Eduardo, the doorman, told me.

"Thanks Es-Eduardo"

I almost called him Esteban.

"I'm here!" I yelled opening the door and throwing the towel back to Lilli who was stretched out across all the guys' laps.

"Taylor, drive" She ordered with a look of pain.

I squeezed her hand and gave her a look of reassurance. "You can do this" I smiled at her and wished I would've grabbed my tea.

"Fucking drive!" Lilli yelled in pain and everyone's eyes went wide.

"Taylor just drive dammit!" I yelled back at him and he sped away. I examined the parking lot and saw Harry's car; freshly cleaned. I laughed to myself and everyone gave me weird looks.

"This is just the beginning" Lilli told Harry who looked scared to death.

What have I gotten myself into?

"Lucky the hospitals close" Lou commented and she nodded and grabbed Harry's hand.

"Damn straight."

More like damn cute.

"Be quiet, I'm calling Melissa." I told them and everyone shut up as I dialed the number.

"You know what? Fuck you Nash!" Melissa yelled. "Hey Kayla, what's up?"

"What the hell? Okay never mind that, I'll find out later. Lilli is going into labor, meet us at the hospital, kay bye" I finished that phone call.

This is gonna take way too long.

"I'm just gonna do a group message" I told them. "Somebody text Anne and Gemma."

"Already done" Harry informed me and Taylor parked the car.

"M-mom and the rest?" She choked out.

Outgoing group message- Lilli's in labor, meet us at the hospital if possible. Make way for little William.

To- cartah da BFF, little brother, nashty, cam, aaronnn, gilinsexy, jj, matty, cason, joey, prick of the year, kaleyy, melissa my nigga, zayn, niall, liam

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